No one has changed. Sadly. In the good ole days, the veneer of decency prevented most people from going off the rails, as most were already inclined to do. These days, there’s no veneer of decency. It’s have at it to your so-called heart’s content. So many people gladly act as POS and have no problem with it. Some are even proud of it.
When both the PM and his good pal Gerry Butts call burning down of churches as ‘understandable’, why are we surprised at attacks on synagogues?
I’m not so sure that they’re still good pals. After all, Butts got thrown under the bus.
No one has changed. Sadly. In the good ole days, the veneer of decency prevented most people from going off the rails, as most were already inclined to do. These days, there’s no veneer of decency. It’s have at it to your so-called heart’s content. So many people gladly act as POS and have no problem with it. Some are even proud of it.
Jew hate is the canary in the coal mine for how bad Canada has travelled into the toilet.