06.29.2024 10:33 AM

This is what the job is

Years ago, there was some advice I was reluctant to give to my boss, Jean Chretien. He knew it.

He looked at me and said: “I didn’t hire you to only tell me things I want to hear. I hired you to advise me about things I don’t want to hear.”

Will Joe Biden’s friends and family and top advisors do that? I doubt it.

Because those are the same people who hid his decline from the rest of us.


  1. Warren,

    They won’t because the extension of their cushy White House and cabinet jobs lies with one man. So…it’s in each of their interests not to tell the boss the painful and highly like truth: that he can’t win in November.

    As for his nearest and dearest, they’re quite deliberately happiness enablers, starting with Jill and down the line. Biden is deluded, and they’re not about to rock that boat.

  2. Douglas W says:

    “Hid his decline”?
    His decline has been obvious for over a year.
    Shame on his wife, for not demanding that her husband be allowed to exit public life with his dignity intact.
    Shame on his staff, who were more concerned about holding onto their posh jobs.
    Shame on advisors, who advocated mass immigration.
    Shame on the White House Neo-Cons (Victoria Nuland, Admiral Kirby, et al), whose foreign policy agenda has caused immeasurable harm to the country’s well being and security, while specifically benefitting the military-industrial complex.
    In summary, shame on those who took advantage of a longstanding public servant, who was clearly in decline.

  3. Warren,

    It looks like down-ballot polling will be key. If a Biden down draft extends down the ticket and includes both Senate and House races, it’s reported that Biden would be prepared to go. But not under any other circumstances.

  4. Peter Williams says:

    Why would Biden’s friends, family, and top advisors tell him to step aside now?

    They’d have to give up their perks.

    Biden’s decline has been evident for years. But Democrats and the media said it’s been a great Presidency. So why would they need to change?

    Obama said Joe just had a bad debate day.

    I can’t see Dr Jill stepping away.

  5. Arron Banks says:

    The issue is the gaslighting some are (still!) trying to get away with, saying he just had a “cold” as if Thursday night’s performance was in a vacuum and divorced from what we’ve all been seeing and hearing with our apparently lying eyes and ears.

    What crushes people is if you talk with people who work in old age homes and/or have had family members go through certain illness often associated with age they can see the signs.

    As the ex-British PM David Cameron told Jeremy Corbyn across the dispatch boxes during Prime Ministers’ Questions after announcing his own plans to resign after losing the Brexit vote (and expecting Corbyn to do the same): “For heaven’s sake man, go!”

    The stakes are too high at this point in the game that if he stays and loses he (and his enablers) will go down as the Neville Chamberlin who knew what the threat was and chose to turn a blind eye towards doing something that could help when they had the chance.

    Maybe they’ll regret their choices inside of wherever they’re being unconstitutionally held if/when Trump uses the legal system to exact (in his words) “retribution.”

  6. Phil in London says:

    One problem I have with this is the INTEGRITY of the brain trust. How can you point fingers at another candidate for lying when you’ve just gotten caught trying to pull off the biggest lie of the campaign?

    A lot of news sources are trying to talk about Trump lying and Joe Biden said yesterday he knows how to tell the truth. He may know to tell the truth but he either chose to lie about his condition or is inept at defending himself from what is his biggest weakness. His ability to look strong and coherent.

    If he isn’t lying about his health it’s because he’s not capable of recognizing his limits. If others are lying it is exactly what WK pointed out in reasoning why they won’t coax him down.

  7. Curious V says:

    I still prefer Biden – I understand that he’s declined, and I get that Trump looked sharper – but I’d take Biden’s wisdom any day of the week

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