, 07.14.2024 10:07 AM

KINSELLACAST 319: America at war – with itself, with Adler, Lilley, Kheiriddin, Belanger plus hits from November 1971


  1. Martin Dixon says:

    Someone hijacked Warren’s music feed. I had to do a Blue Swede deep dive.

  2. Warren,

    Trump has the next election win within his grasp. It’s almost inevitable but a lot rides on his convention speech. If he becomes presidential and tries to bind the wounds between MAGA, the Democrats and others, he’ll win in a landslide. But imagine if he doubles down on his current rhetoric. Now that could unexpectedly become a game-changer and not necessarily in his favour. I have a firm opinion on which way Trump will go, but for these purposes, I’ll take a wait and see approach.

  3. Warren,

    Poilièvre assumptions are easy, but not necessarily factually based. Pierre will put Canada, first, last and always, TRUMP or no Trump. He would be a total fool to do otherwise. And that’s why you’ll see his independent streak in the campaign, when it comes to Trump. He will be respectful and business-minded. Nothing more.

  4. Warren,

    People are sick of Trudeau’s smug little face. And that won’t change in an election campaign, even if the Americans have the misfortune of electing Trump to a second term. Our asshole is done politically. Period.

  5. Warren,

    They won’t change because they’re scared shitless of each other. They don’t trust each other. That’s why they’re gun-happy. They’d rather shoot first and ask questions later…just ask that poor woman who died when she mistakenly drove up the wrong driveway. Absolutely no hope for that paranoid and self-serving country.

  6. Paul Pelosi’s attacker was a Canadian loony.

  7. Warren,

    What is cause for pause: After the shooting why did they cry USA!, USA!, USA! instead of what was logically expected: Trump!, Trump!, Trump!?

  8. EsterHazyWasALoser says:

    It is with a mixture of sadness, despair and apprehension that I view the America 0f 2024. I agree with Warren concerning the futility of arguing for gun control post Sandy Hook. I feel the Democrats have only themselves to blame for the mess they are in. I concur with Mr O’Dowd with respect to Pierre Poilievre. He will not be Donald’s puppet, and I’m quite sure we will not be subjected to anything as belittling as another version of “When Irish Eyes Are Smiling”.

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