Feature, Musings —07.13.2024 01:07 PM
—My latest: U. of Hate
Rats, feces, drugs and used needles.
That’s the proud legacy of the “pro-Palestinian” youngsters who occupied the main entrance to McGill University for the past months.
Said McGill: “The encampment [was] the site of profound health and safety risks that continued to grow in scope and severity…due to the presence of human waste, a rat infestation, discarded syringes, a large amount of rotting food and garbage, and other potentially dangerous and unsanitary conditions within the site, it was necessary to use heavy machinery to remove parts of the camp for the safety of all involved…For the same reasons, it will be necessary to excavate and replace a layer of contaminated soil on the site.”
That’s not all, of course. The McGill tenti-fada was characterized by drug overdoses, vandalism, mini-riots, assaults, and regular attacks on Jewish students. When this writer was there, just a few days ago, signs were up telling Jews (“Zionists”) to stay away. It was an ongoing, malodorous, fetid hate fest.
And that’s truly how bad it became: the university has had to excavate it, to remove contaminated soil.
Contaminated, too, is a word that can be applied to what happened at the University of Windsor, albeit in a different context. There, the illegal occupation hadn’t gone on as long as McGill’s. As law student Sydney Greenspoon wrote in the Times of Israel, the University of Windsor is now “an unsafe place” for Jews. Greenspoon wrote that she has been targeted with antisemitic comments by students and professors – including Holocaust denial.
Wrote Greenspoon: “It is a campus that fosters hate and allows antisemitism to flourish, forcing the few Jewish students to hide any sign of our Jewish identity, in fear for our physical and psychological safety.”
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