, 09.08.2024 10:03 AM

KINSELLACAST 326: Me on Libs on CBC, Lilley, Mraz, Kheiriddin on a nasty week, plus: MJ Lenderman, Chuck Ragan, Oceanator, Hovvdy, Bad Moves


  1. Martin Dixon says:

    Hovvdy and Lenderman tracks were great. The only thing a deal with the Bloc will guarantee is the Liberal’s survival but the only beneficiary will be Justin who will get to keep his PM perks for a year but it will be at the cost of a Kim Campbell type of defeat. I note that one of their demands is that he wants to increase OAS payments to age 75 levels back to age 65. I have zero problem with OAS reform but no one really understands it. Here I try to explain it to a UBI fan with the handle @cdnpoli101 who tried to say Pierre would take away our CPP(patent nonsense):

    “They are not going after CPP. They do need to make some major reforms in the OAS area though. In no world should a married couple making over 350k a year be able to arrange their affairs so they can keep any of their OAS. I would think someone like you would be all in favour of that.”

    Whenever I post something like that, I either get blocked like this guy did(you would think he would actually want to learn)or folks try to tell me that I don’t know how it works. Ummm…I do. This idea by the Bloc will compound the problem. Harper had the right idea and Morneau was in favour until he drank the kool-aid.

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