10.27.2024 01:53 PM


Ever have one of those days where you feel like the future of NATO, Ukraine, Taiwan, free trade and humanity itself is in the hands of 70 million fucking idiots who want to vote for a racist criminal with dementia?

I’m having one of those days.


  1. Intcord says:

    Unfortunately, the racist criminal with dementia is the better choice of the two options. The Democrats did this to themselves. One of the greatest self-owns is coming down the pike. Pray for the world.

    • Douglas W says:

      If the Dems had turfed Biden a year ago, and then held primaries, Harris would have finished, at best, fourth.

      Whitmer, Newsom, and Shapiro all would have fared better.

      • The Doctor says:

        Probably true, BUT don’t underestimate the value of incumbency. There are a number of dud Presidential candidates who got to that position merely by virtue of being the VP, and they won the primaries because of all the party machinery etc. that comes into your hands by virtue of being the VP.

        Like do you think that, e.g., Hubert Humphrey, Walter Mondale and Al Gore all became their party’s nominee because they were the best in their respective fields? I sure don’t.

    • Gary says:

      No, no, NO.

      I have no love for Harris but Trump is a rapist and an appeaser of Xi and Putin. He shouldn’t even be allowed to run for office.

  2. Gilbert says:

    Voters aren’t always right. Stephen Harper is far better than Justin Trudeau.

  3. Sean says:

    No. Because if Trump wins both parties will quietly begin preparing impeachment articles before the Electoral College even submits the ballots.

    That is always easier in the second term / lame duck term than the first term. And, no, they won’t change the constitution to allow him to run a third time.

    The Republican establishment is more cutthroat and ruthless than Trumps people probably believe. They don’t care about him and they don’t care about MAGA. Once Trump has completed his final possible election, they will move quickly to install Vance. They are only putting up with Trump and his people to win one last election. Once that is over, his relevance is over.

    There is no possibility he will complete a second term because McConnel and the rest of them all hate the guy. They will probably even play that as a face saving exercise to make it look like they eventually did the right thing.

    The Republican establishment want Trump to die in a jail cell just as much as everyone else. He and his team are incredibly naïve and gullible if they don’t think that is on the horizon.

    • Phil in London says:

      I’d like to think you’re right on this one but I can’t see it. Trump has a death grip on the throats of every republican “dissidents”. His own party’s enemies may only be dragged to the gulag after Biden and Harris.

      I’m in a “mood” as Warren called it. Every major global conflict could turn decidedly deadly in 8 days.

      I’d like to think that 70 million idiots can’t possibly populate one nation but it appears they have no realization what kind of holy hell this Buffoon is capable of unleashing on the world. My geography lessons show me we are very close to casualty number one in Trump’s bid to expand for “living space”. Yes I’m comparing him to that guy.

      • Intcord says:

        “Every major global conflict could turn decidedly deadly in 8 days.” If true, it’s only because the military industrial folks know that if history repeats itself from his first term, Trump is going to try and shut down all of these conflicts. If they turn deadly before the election, it’s because the money makers see the writing on the wall. I’d be more concerned with the havoc he’s capable of bringing domestically. My snowbird friends are holding off heading south this year….just in case.

        • Phil in London says:

          I do see your point on the past accords, particularly the Abraham accord.

          One also has to declare a strike or two on Trump’s “successes”. The big one ? For a change Joe Biden had someone other than himself shitting in his pants over the Afghanistan withdrawal .

          Trump negotiated an unworkable deal. How do John and Susie front porch in Afghanistan feel about his contribution to peace there? let’s assume it takes him more than four minutes to solve the problems in Ukraine maybe John and Susie front porch living there don’t feel life is overly peaceful. There can be no mistaking that Trump will not interfere in Taiwan in Ukraine, etc. even in Israel he and Bibi haven’t exactly been singing Kumbaya.

          Yes, he met and shook hands with Putin and Kim precisely what did he solve? His successes are no more than Obama’s were in trying to deal rationally with Iran. in each case you have to give it for five years after the idiotic decision and usually not till after the idiot is gone.

          I guess what I’m trying to say is I’m not willing to take it as gospel that he could solve the Ukraine war or any other conflict when his solution is to sit on his hands and let the combatants work it out. There are a few cases in history where the neighbours needed to get involved and it’s always important to do the right thing not the easy thing.

          Domestically holy shit is that another story that supports me being in a mood.

          I worry that the old January 6 insurgency becomes the start of what will be in history a Civil War – however it will be a war, not between the states, but between the classes and the races.

          Biden hasn’t exactly ruled over domestic peace, but I think it fair to say that some of that war lay at the feet of Donald Trump. His reelection will only make the divisions worse – read will make it a living hell for some.

          That domestic chaos may be the best argument yet that Donald Trump won’t have one fucking moment where he can solve the world’s problems.

          After all that – it’s the mood that WARREN speaks of which I share it just seems so hard to fucking believe that the free world could come down to 70 million American idiots who are justifying a vote for selfish reasons for a guy they know is corrupt immoral and not a really good leader.

          Sometimes the electorate has to do the right thing, not the selfish thing. I bet it would be very hard to find 10% of the population who will vote for Trump on his merits as a candidate, on his presidential demeanour or their own sense of justice.

          Voting for Trump is “voting for the I”

        • Martin Dixon says:

          No snowbird friends I know are holding off.

      • Sean says:

        Let me put it another way. If Trump wins, he is 78 and immediately a lame duck. No way around those two facts. The Republican establishment is forever. Forever beats Trump and gimmicks like MAGA 11 times out of 10.

        • Phil in London says:

          It’s a pleasant thought but as they say in Missouri show me. Trump has dominated a party that doesn’t want him for a decade now. If this party is so strong how have they allowed themselves to be so utterly usurped?
          They have to win 1 time before any talk about winning 11 out of 10.
          Racists have taken over the party of Lincoln.

          Greedy criminals have erased the credit of a party that busted the trusts under Teddy Roosevelt.

          Fascists have taken over the party of Raegan.

          Those like Eisenhower who dragged a nation to fight the just fight are replaced in this party by immoral opportunists.

          Show me PLEASE show me how they take it back.

          • Sean says:

            It isn’t so complicated or exciting. Nixon was dragged from power in his second term for underlying crimes…. but the door was open to do that because he was a lame duck which means his hands were no longer on the levers of political power in the party. Its all about the next election and if there is no “next election”, there’s nothing. Same thing will happen to Trump. I am absolutely 100% certain of that.

      • Curious V says:

        You should read the situation room – great insight, and it really makes clear that trump is the worst ever – completely childish, reactionary, obnoxious and dumb – he’s a fool who could destroy the world if they vote for him

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