Feature, Musings —10.26.2024 05:31 PM
—My latest: she-wolf of the clueless
Francesca is a fetching Italian woman. She’s telegenic and elegant. She’s also an international lawyer, an academic, and she holds a PhD in International Refugee Law. She has many academic awards and distinctions.
She is also a bigot.
Albanese’s title, presently, is the United Nations’ “special rapporteur” on Palestine. In reality, however, she is not just an advocate for Palestinians. She is also an advocate against Jews and the Jewish state, and she devotes herself energetically to that unwritten part of her job description.
Notably, she is coming to Canada in the next few days. Albanese is conducting a “campus tour,” says Eventbrite, which is promoting her little jaunt. One of the sponsors of her excursion to the colonies is Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). In a detailed lawsuit filed against SJP in Virginia’s District Court in May, survivors of the October 7 Nova Music Festival massacre describe SJP as the “mouthpiece for [Hamas in] North America, dedicated to sanitizing Hamas’ atrocities and normalizing its terrorism.”
So, that is who is one of the sponsors of Albanese’s visit here. A group that oversaw multiple antisemitic campus occupations across Canada, and which itself has called the October 7 attack – wherein 1,200 Israeli civilians were slaughtered, 250 were taken hostage, and more than 100 woman and girls raped – “a historic win for Palestinian resistance.” That’s who Francesca Albanese is hanging out with when she gets to Canada.
In the coming days, you will be hearing lots of debate about the Special Rapporteur for Judeophobia being welcomed at our places of higher learning. Fair-minded people, Jewish and non-Jewish, will attempt to stop her campus tour. But they will likely fail, because the parlour room bigots who run many of our universities will invoke “free speech” as a defence.
So, let’s look at that, shall we? How has Francesca Albanese exercised her free speech?
Hillel Neuer, the brilliant leader of U.N. Watch (and a Canadian) has recently issued a compendious report on Albanese and her statements about Jews and the Jewish state. Here’s just a sampling.
Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein UN.