, 10.09.2024 02:41 PM

My latest: the CBC’s “eyes and ears”

Couldn’t CBC have shown some respect, even on Oct. 7?

More than 1,200 men, women, children and babies slaughtered by Hamas and Gazans in Israel on Oct. 7, 2023: On the day that Israel was mourning those many slain, could CBC have shown some restraint? More than 100 hostages, including babies and toddlers, held in captivity for a year: On the very day that Israel was hoping for their safe return, could CBC not show some decency?

No, it couldn’t. It didn’t.

On Oct. 7, and in the lead-up to that sad anniversary, CBC did what it has done throughout: Show that it is indifferent to the suffering of Jews in Israel and Canada — and demonstrate that it is unfair to its readers, listeners and viewers in Canada. The people who pay for it, and expect it to do better.

Case in point: Mohamed El Saife. El Saife is paid by CBC to work as a “videographer.” An extensive essay about El Saife was posted on the main CBC website on the day before, and on, Oct. 7. On that same day, a fawning profile of him was broadcast on CBC’s main news programs, on both CBC News Network and on its main network. There, he was described as CBC’s “eyes and ears” in Gaza.

Let’s take a look at what Mohamed El Saife, CBC’s taxpayer-subsidized “eyes and ears,” has to say on social media, shall we?

• El Saife says “Israel” — he puts the Jewish state’s name in quotation marks, to suggest that it is a fiction — has falsely stated that Israel has an “occupation army that violates the dignity of of the bodies of martyrs.”

• El Saife has falsely accused Israel of “massacring” citizens in the Gazan city of Khan Yunis.

• El Saife has published an A.I.-generated image of a Palestinian child wearing wings, and chased by weapons-toting IDF troops.

• El Saife (on his main post on Oct. 7, no less) has falsely said “Israeli threats” have resulted in the “displacement of Palestinians” — even though, in reality, Israel has taken the unprecedented step to warn, and help to evacuate, Palestinians before military actions.

None of this, regrettably, is news.

As this writer revealed a few days ago, the Jewish human rights organization B’nai Brith conducted an analysis of CBC coverage of the Israel-Hamas war after Oct. 7. Of 150 stories in the final analysis, about half were considered openly pro-Palestinian. Only a fraction of that, 32, were possibly pro-Israel. The remainder were considered “balanced.”

The bottom line, according to the analysis: The CBC is wildly biased against Israel. And CBC would not even meet with B’nai Brith to look at their numbers.

That’s not all. CBC has repeatedly refused to call Hamas terrorists what they are – terrorists. They have accepted Israel-Hamas war casualty counts that come directly from Hamas. And they have established a secretive internal group, “Middle East 2023,” to oversee coverage of Israel.

Most recently, we’ve revealed that a member of their digital team wears a keffiyeh to work, and has posted online that Israel is “an oppressive, destructive” country and “you’re a vile human being if you still defend or excuse Israel.”

And, now, we have Mohamed El Saife — who the CBC itself describes as their “eyes and ears” in Gaza — publishing statements that, at a minimum, call into question what CBC insists is its commitment to fairness, balance and impartiality.

“Mohamed El Saife is an independent videographer. The content he shares on his X account presumably reflects his lived experience,” CBC’s chief spokesman, Chuck Thompson, said in response for comment. “That said, it has nothing to do with the content he provides CBC News as a freelance videographer. His views are his own and he does not speak for CBC.”

Is that good enough? Is that adequate? As one veteran and senior Jewish reporter at CBC said to this writer: “We are frustrated that our bosses have not taken a single concern seriously. They’re tried to manage this as a public relations exercise — without addressing the ethical problems plaguing CBC News.”

We, the people who pay for CBC, deserve better. We deserve a public broadcaster that is fair, balanced and impartial.

A broadcaster that is telling the truth.


  1. Ken Newman says:

    Well said. The obvious solution is to defund the CBC. That means no government support, let them sink or swim on their own, have people that read or watch their content, pay for their content.

  2. St Hubert says:

    “We, the people who pay for CBC, deserve better. We deserve a public broadcaster that is fair, balanced and impartial.

    A broadcaster that is telling the truth.”

    Why would they start now after 80 years of the current model?

  3. Bill Sirett says:

    I have fully supported defunding the CBC, but I now think it is necessary to go one step further and simply shut it down and eliminate it, and then hold an auction for its broadcast rights. Here in BC, CBC Vancouver is an activist ideological machine working for the extreme left.

  4. Steve T says:

    Public broadcasters will never ever be “fair and balanced”. They owe too much fealty to the government, which means their coverage will typically reflect people who have a pro-government mindset (“government” with a small “g”). Inevitably, people like that are left-leaning.
    The right, around the world, tends to be in favor of smaller government and fewer handouts. That means less support for state broadcasters. Which is why state broadcasters don’t like right-leaning politicians – even when they are in government.

  5. Martin Dixon says:

    I pointed out an example of this on X where Natasha Fatah was fact checking the Isreali ambassador with a look of bewilderment on her face. She “liked” the post until someone probably pointed out she had missed my point.

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