10.22.2024 06:46 AM

The strategy

Holocaust inversion: that has been the strategy of the antisemitic, pro-Hamas cabal – to depict Jews, who were the victims of Nazis, as the new Nazis. To depict Israel as a state that commits genocide and is the aggressor.

It’s all a monstrous lie.


  1. Dink Winkerson says:

    I wonder how long before we see T-shirts with “Hitler Was Right” on your average anti semite hamas loving c*nts.

  2. Don Collie says:

    Not dissimilar to what pro-Putin trolls are doing on social media these days: claiming Ukraine is being run by “Nazis” who are viciously oppressing Russian speaking Ukrainians. When Ukraine’s President Zelensky is a native Russian-speaking Jew.

    • Gilbert says:

      As many as 14,000 have died in the Russian-speaking part of Ukraine since 2014. The western media tends to ignore it.

      • The Doctor says:

        That 14,000 number is constantly trotted out by Putin fans to suggest that all of those deaths were Russian-speaking Ukrainians who were killed by anti-Russian Ukrainian troops. That is not true. It’s extremely misleading. That is a fatalities on all sides figure — pro-Russian troops (trained and funded by Putin and in some cases, outright Russian, not even Ukrainian), anti-Russian Ukrainian troops, and civilians on both sides.

        In any event it has nothing to do with the point made in the original post. Russian propagandists have this weird bad-faith way of suggesting that somehow extreme nationalist Ukrainians are “Nazis”, whereas extreme nationalist Russians are not. Which is complete nonsense.

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