Musings —10.22.2024 06:46 AM
—The strategy
Holocaust inversion: that has been the strategy of the antisemitic, pro-Hamas cabal – to depict Jews, who were the victims of Nazis, as the new Nazis. To depict Israel as a state that commits genocide and is the aggressor.
It’s all a monstrous lie.
I wonder how long before we see T-shirts with “Hitler Was Right” on your average anti semite hamas loving c*nts.
Not dissimilar to what pro-Putin trolls are doing on social media these days: claiming Ukraine is being run by “Nazis” who are viciously oppressing Russian speaking Ukrainians. When Ukraine’s President Zelensky is a native Russian-speaking Jew.
As many as 14,000 have died in the Russian-speaking part of Ukraine since 2014. The western media tends to ignore it.
That 14,000 number is constantly trotted out by Putin fans to suggest that all of those deaths were Russian-speaking Ukrainians who were killed by anti-Russian Ukrainian troops. That is not true. It’s extremely misleading. That is a fatalities on all sides figure — pro-Russian troops (trained and funded by Putin and in some cases, outright Russian, not even Ukrainian), anti-Russian Ukrainian troops, and civilians on both sides.
In any event it has nothing to do with the point made in the original post. Russian propagandists have this weird bad-faith way of suggesting that somehow extreme nationalist Ukrainians are “Nazis”, whereas extreme nationalist Russians are not. Which is complete nonsense.