Musings —01.23.2025 10:34 PM
—Dear Musk MAGA morons
Here’s what I’ve been saying to people who defend him, like you do.
Go to your office lunchroom. Wait until it’s crowded. Then stand up and do exactly – no more, no less – what he did. Twice.
Do that. Then, if you are still employed or not in a hospital, drop me a line.
If this had been done by a Democrat (or, more generally, anyone not professing fealty to Trump), the minions at FoxNews would have run it as headline news for days.
What would be interesting to see is how much suppression of this story has occurred on X. It has been well-proven in recent weeks/months that Musk has an active hand in determining what can be seen on his allegedly free-speech-y platform.
Like all dictators, Trump and Musk love free speech so long as it doesn’t contradict them.
Sure doesn’t look like it has been suppressed on X. And please, let’s keep in mind how the last administration literally controlled the narrative online. If you want to actually learn something about it, read and listen to Matt Tiabbi and Walter Kirn. You will really get your eyes opened(and be entertained because it is so comical!).
Surely you are joking? There are few key items only in the past couple months that show what a propaganda joke that X has become:
1. The WSJ did an undercover investigation, creating fake X accounts with profiles that expressed zero political affiliation. The stated interests were benign hobbies and sports – everything from quilting to basketball to bird watching. Then the WSJ looked at the news stories fed to those accounts. They were predominantly right-leaning items, with a number of MAGA trolls thrown in for good measure. You can look this up on the WSJ site – it occurred in November.
2. The post-election blowup between some high-profile Trump supporters and Elon Musk, regarding H1-B visas. When those Trump-ers contradicted Musk’s views on the topic, their X accounts were downgraded and in one case decommissioned.
3. The theatre owner in the Maritimes who had his sign say “Always neighbours. Never neighbors” (playing on the spelling difference). He took a picture of the sign and posted it on X. The Musk-bots at X took down the theatre-owner’s account due to the post being deemed “hate speech”.
It has been such a pathetic display to see Musk pivot from being an alleged champion of “free speech” to being just as bad if not worse than all those he decried previously. He loves free speech only when it comports with his worldview.
Am I joking about the fact that X has suppressed the Nazi salute story. Of course not. If they have, they sure aren’t very good at it. Take a stroll on X.
And as far as all the rest goes(not my point but whatever), everything you just wrote there could literally be applied to the dems. The suppression of the Hunter laptop story was particularly egregious. And for Brennan to say that he never said that it was Russian information but rather that he and the other 50 Biden homies said it “appeared” to be Russian disinformation is a distinction without a difference. It would be like saying to your partner, “I never said you were a bitch, I just said you were acting like a bitch.” Give that a test run and see how it goes.
Bingo! There would have been no Hunter pardon, much less a long-dated one if Joe wasn’t cognizant of the fact that Hunter was in deep legal shit and was likely about to get slammed but good. Hunter worked the old man like a pro. He got Jill advocating for him and the rest is history. Biden lost me the moment he pardoned Hunter after previously explicitly saying that he wouldn’t. He broke his word.
And you should check out Tiabbi if you haven’t. He and our host are the only two people that I have a paid substack subscription for.
So he can claim again that Russia would never ever invade Ukraine and that anyone suggesting it would is hysterical and Russophobic?
Steve, thanks for that. Spot on. Facts.
Matt Taibbi is a discredited hack. He’s the one who unequivocally said in early 2022 that Putin would never invade Ukraine, that anyone suggesting that he would was hysterical and guilty of Russophobia.
How did that work out, Martin!
I don’t know…. these days more likely the HR Dept would organize a bunch of meetings to get to the bottom of your feelings. Colleagues will be given a list of triggers to avoid because its all their fault. Firing someone involves consequences and the purpose of todays HR Dept is to to prevent consequences.
That said, I 110% agree with Warren’s sentiment.
What people fail to realize is that this is but the beginning: much more to come. You start by sidelining your rivals and then you move on from there. It’s all about command and control with absolutely no possibility of dissent or you get rolled. Now that step one has been accomplished, they will move on to bigger and better things, namely, that ultimate objective in the Oval.
Their next step will be to try and roll Suzie. (Remember that I previously gave her six months at best.) Is she a match for them? I doubt it.
Depends on where you work Warren – I live in a conservative place and my offices wouldn’t have blinked had one of the idiots I worked with done a Nazi Solute. I remember getting into an argument with a colleague – he complained that none of the clients had Canadian names, so I asked “what’s a Canadian name? I understood them to be names held by Canadians – of course to the staff those funny names weren’t Canadian – this was at a major organization all of you would be familiar with, and they had a big HR department. A lot of morons out there, and they aren’t all truck drivers. A lot pf them work in offices across the country.