01.18.2025 09:34 PM

Get ready

Dear Canada:

Everything changes tomorrow. It’ll be bad.




  1. Sean says:

    Republican officials couldn’t care less about his stupid ideas… MAGA supporters mean nothing to them… Its all just a cheap election gimmick that will be over and done in 24 months.

    His own team and the entire bureaucracy will just ignore him and laugh at him behind his back just as they did his last term…. and they are probably already plotting to replace him with Vance for 2028.

    He will leave office as the most shamed and disgraced public figure in American history and will probably still spend his final days cold and alone in the filthiest prison available. His family won’t come to visit.

    Anyone naïve enough work in this administration will likely spend the rest of their lives permanently ostracized, facing career ending legal obstacles and afraid to tell anyone that they had any part of it.

    • Steve T says:

      As much as I hope for the future you described, I’m not convinced. A lot of people said similar things after Trump’s first term – and we see what happened there.
      I think MAGA now transcends Trump. Politicians latch onto successful ideas, and MAGA is now branded as a success. Whether it be Vance or another standard-bearer, the Trump-like approach will be replicated over and over until it faces electoral defeat.
      Furthermore, there were enough people who went all-in for Trump that protecting his “legacy” (air quotes intentional) will become a full-time job. That means the minions in the background and foreground will work very hard to ensure none of the much-deserve sh*t sticks to him. Ever.

      • Sean says:

        Much has changed wince the first term. The most important thing is that he can’t run again. All political power recedes from that moment. Every day that passes will make him less influential.

        Also, I don’t buy the premise that another Republican can pick up the MAGA banner. His people will see any successor as a traitor stabbing him in the back. Predictably, he will obviously attack his own successor. Any nominee for 2028 will be seen by MAGA as the scum of the earth and I think that is how MAGA will disolve.

        • The Doctor says:

          I think you may be correct to the extent that Trump’s unique superpower with his base seems to be that policy and results are largely, or at least surprisingly, irrelevant.

          Trump can do a complete 180 on a given policy position (see Tik Tok) and his base does not care. Not one bit.

          Trump can fail or break promises on core policy positions (repeal and replace Obamacare) and his base does not care. Not one bit.

          I don’t see anyone else out there who can do that.

          • Sean says:

            Exactly Doctor…. Love him or hate him or even in between, we will never see a politician like him again in our life time. Where things get interesting is his base now expects him to be President forever. They think that God is interceding. They will never accept any successor under any circumstances. They will likely view any ending to his time in power as a conspiracy and blame whoever tries to pick up the mantle – and he will encourage that.

  2. Mark says:

    Let’s form a working alliance with Mexico as well

    I’m not saying this is or isn’t happening but hope it is, and would like to know it is

    Also it’s time to get the West and East pipelines built and reduce our reliance on America which should be a significant inticement to Albertans

  3. Curious V says:

    Like my mother always says – hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

  4. Dink Winkerson says:

    The Republican’s will support him. Maybe. Most people assume that they work on the same principle as the Liberal party. Republicans will not rally around someone who damages their state for imaginary reasons. Will he go through with his threats? Possibly but until he does everyone should remain calm. IMHO.

  5. Warren,

    Trump = Loser.

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