Music was really good. Added the Oscar G track to my playlist. The Satin Cali track was really just a 90s update of SR71s 1985 right down to some of the riffs. Altered Images are, of course, amazing. Bought all of their stuff on release and still have the vinyl. Saw a bit on the BBC about how much harder it is to write a “happy” song vs a sad song. You can’t get any happier than that track and nice segue after Mraz. The guitarist went on to form Texas that also has a lead singer with a great voice:
Probably the best opening monologue of any podcast ever.
Music was really good. Added the Oscar G track to my playlist. The Satin Cali track was really just a 90s update of SR71s 1985 right down to some of the riffs. Altered Images are, of course, amazing. Bought all of their stuff on release and still have the vinyl. Saw a bit on the BBC about how much harder it is to write a “happy” song vs a sad song. You can’t get any happier than that track and nice segue after Mraz. The guitarist went on to form Texas that also has a lead singer with a great voice:
I was kind of having a good day…. but the Mraz segment made me picture American tanks rolling down my street.