01.07.2025 09:24 AM

Liberal leadership, Liberal shitshow

At the risk of boring everyone to death with Liberal leadership rules:

• if they allow anyone to vote
• if they actually think they can get this done by mid-March

They are dumber than I thought. And they are dooming themselves for years.


  1. Joe says:

    I hope it’s the same requirement as needed to vote. Even though it isn’t now.

  2. Sean says:

    Disagree with Warren on this point. One thing I’ve observed in many campaigns over the years….. Ordinary Joe and Jane Frontporch couldn’t care less how a leader is chosen by their party. They give a small bit of attention to the options presented during the general election. How those options came to be / internal party machinations, is almost never a concern. Its all inside baseball. They start paying attention about 2.5 weeks after the writ is dropped.

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