01.23.2025 08:28 AM

Not that I know anything about politics

People can make their own decisions. But Canadians who enthusiastically defend Trump and his retinue of grifters and bigots?

You are way, way offside Canadian public opinion (up to 90 per cent offside). And you – and your cause – are going to regret your enthusiasm. Believe it.


  1. Warren,

    I agree with that guy who knows nothing about politics, not that I know anything about politics. That fuckers will repeatedly break the rubber band and go way beyond his constitutional authority. Just watch that asshole. He’s the next Nixon and third impeachment here we come in 2025.

  2. EsterHazyWasALoser says:

    I can’t imagine there is one sane person of Canadian persuasion who could find a single reason to defend President Trump right now (at least publicly). There isn’t a single politician in the country who will either. But I wouldn’t confuse that with politicians seeking to do what they think is right for their constituents, and further their careers. Everybody is playing politics right now, doing what they think is best for their party. The PM had no business proroguing Parliament when a crisis of this magnitude was on the horizon. It was a blatant ploy to further the political fortunes of the LPC. Pot, meet kettle.

  3. John from Saskatoon says:

    Curious why nobody has yet asked the Democrat, carpetbagging grifter Trump why if the US needs nothing from Canada he’d want us to join as the 51st state so badly. I think his constantly talking about it tells us all just how badly the US does need what we have and he wants it. If we can get our acts together and get some quick approvals for east and west pipelines for oil and gas as well as export terminals we’ll see Trump hit his knees pretty quickly. The last thing he wants to see is our cheap oil head elsewhere. Let’s call the dipshits bluff. Then we can shove an empty US bound oil pipeline up his ass.

  4. Warren,

    I favour pipelines so we can export our energy to Europe and elsewhere. But the problem is almost insurmountable — provinces are sovereign over their territory and no government in Eastern and Atlantic Canada is likely to be in the mood to have pipelines cross their territory.

    That leaves Ottawa in a tough position. Do you override provincial governments by passing federal legislation and if you do, can it pass muster before the SCOC? My guess is No, unless the federal government invoked The Emergency Act and deemed pipelines as a national emergency. Maybe they could get away with it that way but otherwise, I don’t think so.

    • John from Saskatoon says:

      I would say the potential of what is about to happen constitutes a national emergency. We can’t keep letting small special interest groups dictate what happens in this country. Quebec seems to think money just magically appears in their transfer payments and that having a pipeline coming in from the US that supplies most of their energy isn’t in danger of being shut off by a deranged idiot isn’t an issue. It’s time we get back to the reality of what’s going on in the world and how it works. Push pipelines through and anyone that doesn’t get on board needs to be run over in the process. It’s not hyperbole to say our country’s sovereign existence is at stake.

      • John,

        In this province, Enbridge Line 9 flows from Sarnia to Montreal. People act as if it’s only in Quebec that at least a plurality of people are opposed to pipelines. Can you say Northern Gateway? Ditto for Energy East where private companies no longer want to foot the bill. They didn’t want the NG pipeline in some place called BC. Conversely, we do have the Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, which flows North because the Nova Scotia gas has been shut in. In the West, it’s often only a blame Quebec story. Quite obviously, that isn’t the total truth. Far from it.

        • John from Saskatoon says:

          Line 9 gets its oil from Line 5 which passes through Michigan. Trump and Whitmer shut the tap no oil for Ontario and Quebec. That will be on those who opposed Energy East which were mostly from Quebec.

          Northern Gateway cancelled because of Trudeau and a small group of special interest activists. That is far from a plurality.

          Energy East cancelled because Denis Coderre said no pipeline would run through Quebec and Trudeau opened up even more consultations that led to Enbridge saying fuck it. It was dearly wanted by New Brunswick. Far from a plurality.

          Quebec plays an oversized role in many things that negatively affect the rest of the country. Especially the west.

          • John,

            Yup, the Irvings wanted it in order to exclusively refine the product that wasn’t shipped overseas. That’s for sure. South Bow Corp., doesn’t see expansion of its oil pipeline network to the East anytime soon. Translation: Energy East will stay dead.

    • It’s easy for Houston to call for Energy East’s revival when the pipe would end in New Brunswick… politicians.

    • Gilbert says:

      Yes, call it a national emergency and get them built.

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