02.05.2025 05:59 PM

MAGA mea culpa

The vast majority of the conservatives I know are telling me that they were wrong about Trump and now feel he is a destructive, malignant force and a real threat to the stability of the world.

Takes integrity to admit you’re wrong. Better late than never, too.


  1. Sean says:

    A colleague of mine ran out and bought a “Canada Not For Sale” hat. I asked him to get me one too. He said “wait I thought you were a Liberal… This is a Doug Ford thing.” No it isn’t I said, “its an anti Trump thing.” He became very confused because he likes Ford and Trump. There is indeed a lot of confusion amongst conservatives these days. Let me help them sort that out.

    Trump is not, never has been and never will be a conservative. He is anti police, anti law and order anti military, anti free trade, failed businessman, cheated on his pregnant wife and appeases dictators. Nothing conservative about any of that.

    He has temporarily co-opted a valid conservative movement because its members are extremely naïve, gullible and have presented themselves as vulnerable prey to hucksters with easy answers.

    Conservatives should be counting down the days between now and the end of the next primary season. I predict that he will be impeached / face the 25th amendment. Shortly after that the Republican Party can then focus on recovery and American conservatives can return to some semblance of dignity

  2. Warren,

    Meh. If they really had integrity, they would have made the same admission one week into the first Trump Administration. They’re a bunch of fools for having ever supported this POS. Period. And then there’s that other bunch of fools who are still kissing Trump’s ass. They will get nowhere with him in the end. He’s playing those naive idiots like a violin.

  3. Derek Pearce says:

    The problem I still have with these types is just.. DUH. Of course he’s destructive and malignant and a threat to stability, that was already 100% clear. Don’t fucking turn a blind eye to the obvious and THEN apologize after the leopard eats your face. Fine words butter no parsnips. Jesus.

  4. Curious V says:

    But, they also cheered him until he turned on them and all of Canada – so I wonder about their judgement

  5. lungta says:

    and yet way too late to avoid the dismantling of America.

  6. From Ipsos:

    CPC: 41
    LPC: 28
    NDP: 16
    BQ: 9

    Our lead was consistently twenty to twenty-five points. Now it’s THIRTEEN and the Liberals still don’t have a leader. New ballgame for anyone who happens to be sentient.

    It’s our election to lose, whenever it finally comes.

    • Douglas+W says:

      Massive test for the Conservatives’ War Room.
      They have been keeping their powder dry; this has allowed the Libs to gain much-needed traction.
      Conservatives cannot afford to sit on their hands, much longer, or else their lead will be down to single digits.

  7. Innocent III says:

    I hear a number of comments from individuals in the financial sector about the US president, almost all a variation on, ‘Personally , I don’t like the man but I gotta admit that he’s been good for the market.’ This is the contemporary version of, ‘Well, at least he got the trains running on time.’

    • Warren says:

      I am a Chretien guy. Whenever we heard what Bay Street wanted, we’d do the opposite. Most Canadians live on Main Street, not Bay Street.

      • Martin+Dixon says:

        I remind folks regularly that Harper and Flaherty screwed over Bay Street with the Income Trust changes when they say Pierre is in it for the rich which, of course, is nonsense. More on that below.

  8. Joseph says:

    Trump did something to force Trudeau to act on fentanyl, putting a stop to human trafficking, and smuggling.
    And because of that the Trudeau government has suddenly realized these things need to be fixed, but send a message that they expect the tariffs will come anyways (aka won’t be doing anything cause they don’t want a crisis to go to waste)

  9. Steve T says:

    I wish I knew the same conservatives as you. I have some Alberta-based friends and (sadly) relatives, who are all-in for MAGA.
    To hear them talk, you’d think they lived in the U.S., not Canada. They love what Trump is doing to U.S. institutions, various people, and general left ideology. They seem to wish for the same thing on this side of the border. The fact Trump’s only real Canada-related action thus far is a trade war – meant to inflict pain on Canada – seems not to matter to these Canadian MAGA folks.
    It is a very odd construct – caring more about what a foreign leader is doing in a foreign country, than what that leader is doing to the country in which you live.

  10. Curious v says:

    Pp benefits from the tariffs because it drives a wedge between his base and Trump, allowing him to be more critical Trump without alienating his base – also benefits the liberals if they can stick pp in the same corner as trump – we don’t need a Canadian version of Donald trump.

  11. Curious v says:

    The tariff threat gives PP more leeway to be critical of trump, separating him from any perceived sympathies for trump and his base. He can now be critical of Trump without alienating his base, and by doing so he garners more support from centrist voters

    The liberals might have done better with Trudeau – I think the tariff threat gives him a chance to work with his strengths and it completely sidelines the carbon tax as an issue

    Carny might have all the right ideas, but his delivery is too weak – needs some fore in the belly

  12. Martin+Dixon says:

    On Carny(sic). He has neither. Here is why T won. Under Biden, the richest 1% make out like bandits, the richest and poorest 20% made smaller gains, while middle 60% or so lost ground.


    This happened in Canada too. I literally have the receipts. Folks would be shocked at what is going on and is the dirty little secret I have been talking about on this site for years. One Red Tory Carney groupie idiot who hates Pierre because of a 21 year old in party fight doesn’t believe me and says but but but Justin raised the taxes on the rich by 4%. They don’t give a shit and have people like me to help them avoid it or minimize it.

    Do you REALLY think that a former central banker that has been advising Justin will make it better?

    • Martin,

      Our parties are corporatist in nature in both countries. Official corruption for the benefit of the top two percent is the rule of thumb. That will never change no matter which party or person is elected. You dare to disrupt the status quo for the most privileged and you’re gone politically likely sooner rather than later. They call it a democracy but what it really is is a gamed system in favour of the ultra-rich.

      • Martin Dixon says:

        Ronald, he may only last one term as a result but Pierre IS NOT in it for the top two percent. The party line that he is in the pockets of the rich is such patent nonsense but all the Tru-anons are buying it. And Carney is laughing his ass off at their naivete

    • Gilbert says:

      No, he won’t. A man who printed too much money and caused high inflation (according to Liz Truss) is not the solution.

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