02.01.2025 10:36 PM

This is actually his finest moment

And, because it is so close to the end for him, you know it is sincere.


  1. Tim b says:

    I completely agree. I’ve been praying for him to make an exit for over a year, like every day, but he rose to the occasion here and summoned something within that didn’t feel dramatic or overly scripted. I honestly didn’t think he had it in him, but I’m glad he did.

  2. Douglas+W says:

    What if … Justin Trudeau calls a snap election and positions himself as the best option to fight Trump?
    I like his chances.

    • Douglas,

      See that + between your first name and last name initial? That means an external third party is trying to prevent you from posting comments just like they did with me and Martin. Welcome to the club!

    • Douglas,

      I thought the same thing a few days ago. Remember that the old man resigned in 1979 and when Clark was defeated they begged him to come back for the election and he did. We know what happened then. So, it could happen but would the leadership candidates accept it?

  3. Curious V says:

    Like I said before, the stars, politically speaking, have aligned for Trudeau to play captain Canada – tapping into our national rage

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