Categories for Musings

I hate people when they’re not polite

“For a so-called advanced civilization – where we speed around in high-tech cars below skyscraping architectural marvels – people can be awfully uncivilized. And according to a Toronto etiquette expert, its only getting worse.”

I’m on my way to give a speech to a few trade unions, but the above story had me laughing out loud. Among other things, how do “experts” measure this stuff? “Day 15: Am in week two of scientific study of rude Torontonians in the wild. Just this morning, the team observed a banker loudly slurping a latte at bus stop in Leaside. Have captured and sedated the specimen. Could be a breakthrough.”

Anyway, my “expert” analysis is that (a) you can get a student loan for just about anything, these days and (b) the friendliest (and therefore most courteous) folks are in the Atlantic provinces. Least friendly place I’ve lived? Vancourver, by a long shot.

There, I have now impolitely set off an Internet stink bomb. What’s your view, O ye civilized readers?

Andrea Horwath’s NDP: say one thing, do another

They’re just like the Tim Hudak’s Ontario PCs – they say one thing, and they do another.  Whiplash-inducing reversals don’t begin to describe either of them.

Hudak said he’d “stop the HST in its tracks,” quote unquote.  Now he has admitted he will keep it, in the unlikely event he is ever elected.

Horwath, meanwhile, is just as bad.  Remember her web site,, which she promoted all over the place, including in slick commercials, and which was accompanied by a petition and whatnot?

Well, as the screen grab below shows, it’s now gone. It’s been airbrushed out of existence.  So, too, her previous opposition to the HST, which she said she’d “cancel,” quote unquote.  Now she’s all for keeping it.


Why Hudak and Horwath are doomed

A very smart friend just remarked:

“The Ontario PCs and NDP are trying to offer status quo and change at the same time. Politically, that won’t work.

“People don’t like everything you guys have done. But they know that the things that matter are heading in the right direction. I think you’re going to win.”

Federal Liberal leader job description

I’m no Bob Rae bestie, and vice-versa.  But it seems to me his job description is pretty straightforward:

  1. Show a pulse.
  2. Get noticed in the media as much as you can.
  3. Be ready for opportunity when it comes.

And that’s it.

Free advice for Grits from pollsters and pundits is worth what you pay for it: nothing.  Stick to the three points above; they’re simple and do-able.

Rae’s doing what he needs to do.