Summertime bits and pieces
It’s Summer. It’s almost the weekend. Here’s some contextless, linkless bits of this and that.
For anyone who wants a coherent foreign policy, particularly as it relates to Israel, the Tories are the only logical choice. Like, I don’t know what the Liberals are doing anymore.
I don’t think they know, either.
Related: 75 per cent of American Jews have always voted Democrat. The only cycle where that changed somewhat was in the Reagan years. In Canada, I would be surprised if the Liberals and New Democrats federally get a single Jewish vote.
That’s an exaggeration, but not by much.
I just watched and listened to some of Donald Trump’s “press conference.”
Just as I said about Joe Biden, it’s not right for anyone who has not medically examined Trump to say that he has cognitive issues.
But, man oh man.
You can’t really say the Supreme Court of Canada is wrong or right in the Jordan Peterson case – they simply refused to hear it. Courts usually don’t like substituting their views with that of professional bodies. That’s normal. (Why else have such bodies?)
Me, I think professional bodies should not police the social media of their membership if the social media commentary is unrelated to the profession. That’s a very slippery slope.
I say that, too, as someone who is no fan of Dr. Peterson’s stuff. It has a distinctly culty feel to it, to me.
And: Andre Marin was Ontario Ombudsman and complained about me to the Law Society, using public resources and staff because I had been critical of his conduct in that office. Nobody ever compensated me for the time lost. The Law Society never acknowledged they were wrong to even consider the case.
Oh, and I won.
“Harris Doesn’t Support Arms Embargo on Israel, a Top Adviser Says.”
That’s a New York Times headline. But by all means, MAGA types, keep believing the two Israel-haters who say she does without a scintilla of fucking proof.
I believe every political party and ideology has an anti-Semitism problem. No one is covered in virtue. The Left presently has the biggest problem, of course.
PSA: just as I block disinformation and bullshit from Israel haters, I will block disinformation and bullshit from Kamala haters.
I’ve been researching ISIS and Hamas a lot, lately. Those who know, know why.
Someone told me ISIS and Hamas are the same.
Not really. They both want a caliphate, but initially in different places. Also, ISIS is much more a virtual operation. Not IRL. Also, statistically, Islamic terrorists radicalized online have a way way higher failure rate when it comes to attacks.
You sleep for a third of your life.
In the first few years, you wish it was a lot less.
In the latter years, you’re okay with moving sleepy time to two-thirds. Four-fifths, actually.