Unholy Alliance

That was the name of my 1992 book that described an alliance between dangerous anti-Semites and outlaw Arab nations.

Now, almost 20 years later, there’s been a change of roles: Jews (including one whom I like, and is a friend) apparently making common cause with racists – because they all hate Muslims. It all came to a head this week, in Toronto.

As the above-linked column describes, some in Canada’s Jewish right wing – in this case, the JDL, but which also now includes the Canada Israel Committee – have started to make friends with white supremacists. It’s a bizarre, it’s wrong, and it’s a real-life extension of the “enemy of my enemy” aphorism.  Among other things, it makes me very sad.

For the Jewish community, it is more than an unholy alliance. In my opinion, it is a disaster.

140 characters

Twitter is micro-blogging. It’s reporting on steroids. It’s a new age water cooler. It’s a web ecosystem. Twitter is [fill in]…

I’m writing about Twitter’s political significance for Sun media this weekend, and figured I’d give y’all an opportunity to define what Twitter means to you, if anything.

Fill in the blank!  Share a link you found interesting! Use 140 characters or more!

In today’s Sun: Bullets have no ideology

“Why do these things keep happening?

Whenever there is a loss of life caused by guns in the United States, people from all sides of the ideological spectrum ask questions approximating that one: “Why do these terrible tragedies happen?”

And, just as inevitably, some people – on both the left and the right – start to assign blame, and well before all the facts are in.

It happened again this past week, when Arizona Democrat Gabrielle Giffords was targeted in an assassination attempt allegedly by Jared Lee Loughner.”

Bank advice

Corporately, we deal with a bank that is making us very unhappy.

Anyone have advice about a banker in the GTA who would be interested in dealing with a healthy, debt-free company’s business?

Boy oh boy, am I ever going to have a story to tell.  Thanks, folks.