02.07.2014 11:59 AM

Tim Hudak PCs, take note

On his last ever-show, Jay Leno goes out of his way to pay tribute to the Tonight Show’s workers – and makes a point to say how he’s proud to have worked on a union-staffed show.  Worth a watch.




  1. Greg from Calgary says:

    I suggest Allison Redford do the same here in Alberta. She has taken away the unions right to arbitration. And if unions even talk about going on an illegal strike, not actually do it, they face penalties. So…freedom of speech is gone?

    Full disclosure….I am not a member of any union but I do support the workers right to be part of a union that has an effective voice in labour negotiations, something Redford’s gov’t has greatly diminished when she rammed through two bills on this.

  2. Matt says:

    Leno wasn’t too happy with the unionized writers when they went on strike about 5 or so years ago.

  3. Nick says:

    Jay Leno paid staff’s wages during the strike. And in 2012 he took a 50% salary cut in 2012 to save jobs.

    • Matt says:

      Yes, his office and show staff, not his writers.

      Many celebrities refused to cross the writers picket lines to go on his show during the strike.

      David Letterman worked out a deal with the union that allowed the unionized writers working his show to continue to do so.

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