Feature, Musings —02.03.2025 10:39 AM
—My latest: the sword of Damocles remains above our heads
A reprieve. Or is it?
The 30-delay notwithstanding, this much we know: Canadians, who apologize when someone else steps on their foot, are still very, very angry. When we boo the American anthem at NBA and NHL games – instead of helping out with the singing, in those occasional microphone-failure moments – well, that’s Canadian-style angry. World War II take-no-German prisoners angry.
And Trump? “Anger” doesn’t quite capture it. Free advice from a former adviser to a Prime Minister, Secret Service: even after the eleventh-hour change of course, don’t bring him to the G7 at Kananaskis in June. Just don’t. You’ll be contending with a lot more than the grizzly bear threat. Believe it.
The stuff I’ve heard from otherwise mild-mannered Canadians about what they’d like to see done to Trump? Stay away, Yanks. It actually isn’t safe.
Meanwhile, despite Trump’s momentary change of heart, Canadians won’t soon forget the feelings of anger and betrayal. We are angry at Americans themselves, too – and not just the death-cult MAGA Republicans. When even arch-Leftist Senator Bernie Sanders is saying he favors an American takeover of Canada, you know we don’t have friends down there anymore. Even the Canadian comedians we mail South by the truckload are silent when their homeland is under attack.
We might delay the tariffs for 30 days or more. But it’s clear Trump views tariffs as a tool to get his way. He’ll be back.
Meanwhile, we Canadians will never fully trust him or his government ever again. As one pal said to me this weekend: this isn’t a friendship anymore. It’s an abusive relationship. “And we’d be crazy to go crawling back to our abuser,” said he.
Trump is a thug, but it’s foolhardy to believe he’s now going to abruptly change his strategy – because threatening punishing tariffs works.
So, in the meantime, what do we do? Where do we stand? Five points.
1. We still need to continue to expand trade with other countries and the European Union. We can never again let one customer control so much of what we sell. We need to end inter-provincial trade barriers, too. Also: build pipelines. Now.
2. Taking a Buy Canadian approach is still smart. It energized people across the country, and it made them feel they were helping a greater cause. It made them feel less powerless.
3. Stopping fentanyl is always worthwhile – but we only account for .2% of what the Americans caught at the border. As such, this was always about something else. It was always about the main thing Trump has been saying every single day for weeks: annexation. Don’t forget that.
4. We’ve seen the true colors of the US – we can’t let our guard down ever again. We need to remember the past few days, and get ready for the next round.
5. Trudeau did a good job. Good way to end his tenure. He can retire knowing he helped the country in a moment of crisis.
There’s only thing Donald Trump understands or appreciates: money. Going after Trump, the politician, is entertaining but it won’t move the political needle. Going after Trump’s decisions – particularly the economic ones – will move the needle. That’ll change his behavior.
Nationally, provincially, municipally, we need to do what Trump could never do: get people together. We need to assemble every living Canadian Prime Minister and Opposition leader to speak with one voice and rally the country for the uncertainty that lies ahead.
And we don’t need an election in the middle of this crisis, folks. Sorry. That’ll just showcase our divisions to the Americans. If anything, we need the opposite: we should consider an all-party coalition government, ideally led by Poilievre, who has the best plan and a seat in the House of Commons. Because, really, none of our leaders disagree on the fundamentals about what needs to be done. That’ll showcase unity. Do that instead.
What works with bullies, everyone knows, is pushing back. We need to be ready to push back.
Because Trump isn’t done with us yet.
Not by a long shot.
In lieu of waking up one morning and reading in the much maligned traditional mainstream media that Donald Trump, JD Vance, Elon Musk and their dead eyed ilk have died a la the bullies in Heathers in some weird sex game, I am taking solace that Canada has largely united in confronting these absurd tariffs. Happy to do my bit from Airstrip One even if it means setting up a Drop in some leafy common.
The beaver has no teeth. Apparently mango man has forced Trudy to take a knee.
Look no further, I will explain what is happening.
This all about eradicating the progressive tax system and replacing it with a regressive regime of what are essentially domestic sales taxes (tariffs) that would shift trillions in taxes onto regular people while the billionaires would owe nothing. Canada is being used to that end.
Now we know why the vultures got pride of place at the Inauguration. The Grifter-In-Chief, a fake businessman so corrupt he managed to literally bankrupt a casino (in Jersey!), Mr. Tiny Diaper Carrot himself, has doubtless dealt himself in.
Speaking of treason, there is Canadian citizen E. Musk, working with the highest level of a foreign power to undermine and even destroy our country.
Bring back the death penalty.
He also happens to be an American citizen. Hopefully, all parties in the Commons will agree to revoke his Canadian citizenship. It’s what he deserves.
So much for Jamil Jivani, the Conservative MP, claiming to be an inside pal with JD Vance, a fellow alumnus from Yale law school.
I just wonder if all the protestors that prevented energy east are still eager to put the breaks on pipelines – we need pipelines to diversify our customer base people – get behind them and we’ll balance their development with measures to protect the environment – we need pipelines, so, like warren said, build them now
The PQ under Marois blocked Energy East while the Liberals under Couillard had reservations, whatever that really means. Right now, it’s blocked by Legault and the CAQ.
An all party coalition led by Polievre is intriguing (I once floated the idea).
It would require our politicians to understand the gravity of the attack. You get it I get it but many don’t. It has been an attack and it’s aggressive and I also believe expansive.
In a perfect world Trudeau called an election last fall but we’ve got no Time Machine.
I’d still prefer a snap election ASAP if Canada elects a weak coalition or gives power to a leaderless party – so be it – the electorate is owed a voice and only gets that from a vote. We can’t wait a year to vote when the situation may be far more grave (or we may have forfeited the opportunity to vote after the annexation).
Welcome to our club. That bastard better not try to take us by force because if he does yours truly and a host of others will bring new meaning to the term The Resistance.
Not sure to which club I’m being offered membership? Before anyone mails out my membership card – I’m not so sure my position has changed as much as all the deck chairs of fellow travellers move around whenever the winds change.
Fellow Canadians wishing my Albertan cousins adieu are only providing fuel to the fire. On that basis alone I decline the membership offer.
Appeasement of one province that never in my memory has wanted to be Canadian first (La Belle Province) over one that has a legitimate chip on the shoulder, back, spine, heart and soul while being proud Canadians first – that’s the club I want to be a part of.
I’m willing to live with any leadership as a result of a general election here and I’m more trusting of most of my American neighbours despite their leadership than my nation’s current leadership by The Liberal rationale of divine right.