09.13.2011 10:12 PM

“The right way to do things”

Andrea Horwath ordered her candidates to stop trading on Jack Layton’s name. Good for her. That was the right thing to do.

And then, tonight, here was Cheri Di Novo on TVO, wearing a Jack Layton button. I guess she didn’t get the message.

H/T GritChik


  1. DL says:

    Can you explain why there’s anything wrong with wearing a badge that consists of a quote by Jack Layton? Are Liberals barred from ever referring to Trudeau as well?

    • JenS says:

      When their leader specifically says they aren’t to be trading on Layton’s name, and then the first thing Di Novo does is just that, I’d say yes, there is a problem.

  2. DL says:

    Wearing a badge with a quote on it in writing you need a microscope to read is not what any sane person would call “trading on someone’s name”. That being said, i’m not sure what the fuss is – I think the Ontario NDP should bring up Layton’s name at every conceivable opportunity. Why not? He encapsulates the party’s values and the best way to pay tribute to him is by voting for his party in the upcoming election. If Layton’s ghost is looking down on the Ontario election campaign, you can be sure he’s sitting on Horwath’s shoulder every step of the way whispering “way to go Andrea! Win one for the gipper!”

  3. Attack! says:

    Um, is it okay if Ms. Horwath herself still passes out ‘Do it for Jack’ buttons?

    Someone (rjbrennan) informed Kady they saw her do it, which initiated these tweets from:

    @kady kady o’malley

    Wasn’t this nixed? RT @rjbrennan: @andreahorwath NDP handing out this button at OttCentre campaign office. #voteOn http://t.co/yUYSee8
    9 minutes ago

    No, I mean, I thought an edict had been handed down by the leader herself not to campaign on Layton’s name. Was I mistaken? #VoteON
    7 minutes ago

    Sorry, should’ve been clear.. meant provincially. RT @RJMcClelland: It wasn’t a total ban, only a ban on certain aspects … #VoteON
    3 minutes ago

    She all but wrote the memo! tinyurl.com/5ttqhgh RT @rjbrennan: Jack Layton button: Guess they did not get the memo. #voteOn .
    2 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

  4. Jonathan Giggs says:

    I could only read the “Cheri” button on TV and still can’t see what the top button says. I don’t think the buttons helped in terms of a fashion statement, but Cheri herself was a very persuasive.

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