, 06.23.2024 09:00 AM

KINSELLACAST 316: The antisemites get bolder – plus Lilley, Pierson, Kheiriddin, Belanger and Pointed Sticks!


  1. Martin Dixon says:

    Pretty sure Justin was in that riding at least once unless this was taken in Ottawa which I suppose it could have been.


    “Ground zero Liberal”. Forest Hills. Funny. But bang on.

    A Tory win Monday would be more fun for me than Edmonton winning the Cup(I am a Bruins fan).

    Great music. Vancouver punk scene back then was great. Graduate of same:


  2. Warren,

    This is good news.

    From The Jerusalem Post:

    ‘Not in the name of Islam’: Muslims speak out against Hamas

    The ad then continued to condemn Hamas for its actions on October 7 that were done in the name of the Islam faith.

    “The [Hamas] terrorists repeatedly invoked the name of Allah and verses from our holy books during the slaughter,” the ad explained.

    “Terrorist groups like Hamas and their backers, including Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard (IRGC), cannot be allowed to speak for all Muslims or Islam,” the statement continued.

  3. Warren,

    Agree with Brian. I have at least one late relative who lived most of their life in Canada and voted in federal and provincial elections. That one was an American citizen.

  4. Warren,

    Agree with you and Brian on the spitter. Totally unacceptable what that guy did. He should be charged and hopefully convicted.

  5. Warren,

    The RCMP “intervention” is subtly sending a message to Hogue. You know, deference to the Executive and the Legislative. Will she actually name names in her final report? Ticktock, ticktock.

  6. Warren,

    Marouf. Ah, an exemplary example of Liberal vetting at its finest. Maybe Pierre could find out for all of us who vetted him? Maybe they can make this guy or gal the next Clerk of the Privy Council!

  7. Peter Williams says:

    Justin was supposedly a teacher. Perhaps he could get a new job teaching Liberals geography?


  8. Sean says:

    Enjoyed the dscn re. nomination meetings…. this part of the process is never discussed in High School Civics classes or University Poli-Sci classes. Why? Because it is so f$%ked up that no one can believe it or make any sense of it. Canada has it way more f$%ked up than any other country. Just as Lilley says – Elections Canada should run all of them… for every party.

  9. Warren,

    Hum. Netanyahu says operations in Rafah are winding down. So…he needs a second front in Northern Israel to stay in office. Guess that means he’s going to provoke Hezbollah into widening the war. Interesting.

    But hey, the war cabinet is gone and now the ultra-orthodox can be drafted courtesy of the Supreme Court. Good luck with that. Can he keep the coalition intact much longer? Don’t write him off just yet.

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