, 06.30.2024 09:19 AM

KINSELLACAST 317: A bad week for Joe and Justin, with Adler, Lilley, Kheiriddin, Brady, Belanger – plus Wilderado, Graduating Life, Hot Water Music, Michael Cera Palin, Joey Cape & Tony Sly


  1. Peter Williams says:

    Re Justin’s choice for the new Canadian Human Rights Commissioner.

    Dattani wrote regarding terrorism, “It is a rational and well calculated strategy that is pursued with surprisingly high success rates”.

    Why hasn’t Dattani been dumped?

    Does Justin support terrorism?

    Before anyone says, “of course not”, please take a good look at who Justin appoints, meets with, and admires.

  2. EsterHazyWasALoser says:

    Happy Canada Day Warren, to you and your loved ones. This is still the greatest country in the world (not perfect, but I can’t think of anywhere else I would rather live).

  3. John Martin says:

    Good podcast. A few points I have after listening.
    First, nobody should have been surprised or now be mad at the White House for hiding Biden’s condition. Anyone who was paying attention saw it plainly the last couple years. The only reason it was ignored was because it was Republicans and right leaning pundits bringing it up.
    As for replacing Biden, the idea that Newsome or Whitmer would beat Trump easy is naive. California is a mess and Whitmer is a far left environmental zealot. Independents won’t flock to them. As far as Chuck saying they need a Dem who can make sure Trump goes to jail as opposed to the Oval Office, really? Is Trump talking about retribution against opponents not being decried by Dems right now? Are Dems allowed to use the justice system against opponents? Trump was going away. The fact that Trumps is facing all these charges, justified or not, being brought by Democrat DA’s is why he is running and may win. It’ll be a shallow win if he’s convicted but ends up as President. Now to Canada. Trump helping Trudeau’s numbers? Don’t think so. Trudeau is now seen as not up to the job. Do we want somebody going up against Trump that he absolutely hates and that’s been badmouthing him all the while using him as a foil against Pollievre? That narcissist won’t forget that. He will punish a Trudeau led Canada and Canadians will realize that.I also have to disagree with Chuck and his assessment of Pierre and how people may go back to Trudeau when it’s head to head in the election. People are done with Trudeau. This don’t count him out idea is absurd. He’s been around 9 years. We don’t want him anymore. We’re tired of him. We can safely count him out. He didn’t win 3 elections in a row. The Conservatives lost the last 2. All of Trudeau’s numbers have been declining for years. He is not a great politician or campaigner. Scheer and O’Toole were just worse. Like sometimes peoples hate of Trudeau clouds their judgement so to does peoples hate of Pollievre cloud theirs.

    • Douglas W says:

      Pollievre and his people have shown that they have the political chops to shrewdly dismantle Team Liberal.

      Carney can’t save this rag tag team of misfits.
      The greater question: is he smart enough to take a pass at the Liberal leadership?
      Or, will he risk a certain trip to the woodshed?

    • Martin Dixon says:

      I don’t believe for a second that any Liberal supporter that was going to vote for Pierre is now reconsidering because of T. They never intended to vote for him. They are beyond help.

      • The Doctor says:

        I agree. The only people that link Trump and PP are hard-core Canadian liberals and lefties who already hate PP and would never consider voting for him in the first place.

  4. Martin Dixon says:

    Every Sunday I watch all the network talk shows and listen to this podcast. Gives me a wide range of views and some good music suggestions. Folks should get out of their echo chambers and try it. Today Senator Chris Coons said that that Biden was the only Democrat that can defeat T. Seriously? Then Psaki(former WH spokesman) said a contested convention would create massive divisions in the party. These people actually deserve to lose.

  5. Warren,

    No humiliation. All of us are only as good as our last or most recent prediction. Name of the game.

  6. Warren,

    If Trump wins, it increases the odds dramatically of Putin deliberately starting WWIII. That’s the main takeaway from that horrible debate. So, Dems, get your fucking shit together and fast because if you don’t countless millions in Europe, Asia and elsewhere will die because the Dems stuck with a man who is no longer up to the job in 2024. Imagine Biden in office for four more years. Totally irresponsible.

  7. Warren,

    Jill has a Doctorate in Education.

  8. Warren,

    Biden needs to learn obligation and humility from his parish priest.

    • John Martin says:

      Yup. This is a pure ego trip by Biden supported whole heartedly by his family. I’m sure Hunters strong push for him to stay likely is motivated by his own legal troubles and the potential for a pardon. It’s narcissistic to believe you’re the only one who can save your country while all signs point to the fact you may actually be leading it into great harm and not just by Trump. The narcissist Trudeau is the same. He thinks he’s the only one that can save the country and that to be saved it needs to reflect his ideology and image. Sorry dudes. You are not your countries.

  9. Warren,

    Poilièvre v. Trudeau? Sure, but it won’t be who do you want as prime minister. It’ll be who do you don’t want as prime minister and if inflation and the housing crisis are still the top issues, Trudeau is done, period. Trump as president or no Trump.

    • Douglas W says:

      Trudeau is done. He knows it.
      But he doesn’t like people telling him to scram.

      Justin’s ridiculous dance on Sunday in Markham, Ont., was a middle finger to the entire country.
      He continues to mock us.
      And now, he’s waging an open and defiant war against all things Liberal.
      He’ll leave when he’s certain the party is in Kim Campbell country.

  10. Because of this economy, housing crisis and general governmental incompetence, Pierre will win a majority in the next election. This has been for a long time Poilièvre’s election to lose, and he won’t.

  11. Warren,

    New poll whose name I didn’t catch…

    Whitmer v. Trump = +5 Trump;

    Newsom v. Trump = +5 Trump;

    Harris v. Trump = +4 Trump.


    • Douglas W says:

      I might have to withdraw my assertion that Gavin Newsom gets the nod to lead the Democrats.

      Apparently, political action committees have raised more than $30-million to take down the Devil Incarnate.

      He’s red meat, although something tells me he doesn’t care.

  12. Warren,

    Clark, McKenna, Philpott and Manley. All that has done is it has gotten Trudeau’s back up. No doubt, Trudeau is now more determined to stay than ever.

    • Douglas W says:

      When Question Period resumes on September 16th, it’ll be interesting to watch the Liberal side when the Prime Minister responds to Opposition questions.

      Prediction: lots of super slow claps.

  13. However, to their credit, those people care much more about the Liberals staying in power than Trudeau does. That’s why they rebelled. I happen to know a little about that myself during the Harper years.

  14. Brian Huff says:

    Just gotta say, love the birds in the background.
    Great podcast.

  15. western view says:

    No substantive comments have been issued or questions taken by Trudeau or the PMO since the St. Pauls humiliation.
    It appears that the strategy is to pretend everyone is on holidays and wait for (hope for or engineer) a serious channel changing incident that wipes St. Pauls and MP grumbling off the news cycle.
    After all, whatever happened to MPs colluding with foreign powers and the Prime Minister embarrassed by his own inaction? Completely wiped off the radar.

    • Martin Dixon says:

      He directly answered the question today in Newfoundland and used that particularity aggravating Queens English like description of Canadians. He talks like he is speaking on behalf of more than his ever decreasing group of supporters.

  16. Warren,

    Some YouTubeMedia are reporting that more than 50% of the Liberal caucus want Trudeau out now. Supposedly, Trudeau even offered Carney Freeland’s job. I’ll believe that full-throated revolt when I see it.

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