187 Search Results for wynne

Toronto Star Intelligence Unit on OLP leadership: union “absolutely right”?

Um, I don’t think so.

I hope Messrs. Crone et al. do not mind me reprinting a pared-down part of the Star’s excellent regular subsciption-based publication. Bolding added for your elucidation.  Link to the interview, here.


“[Ontario Liberal leadership candidate Kathleen] Wynne says Sam Hammond, the head of the elementary teachers union, is “absolutely right” and the process that led to imposed contracts under Bill 115 is “flawed”Wynne made the comments Thursday in an interview  with Matt Galloway of CBC Radio’s Metro Morning.

Her comments were swamped by the announcement later that morning Murray was dropping out of the leadership race. Wynne’s conciliatory comments toward the teachers were made even as her government was taking its case to the Ontario Labour Relations Board to get the planned walkout stopped.

The walkout was called off early Friday after the board ruled it would be an “unlawful strike.”

…[Wynne] responded to a question about what can be done to repair the relationship with teachers:

“Well, I think Sam (Hammond) is absolutely right, that we need now to have the conversation about what comes next,” Wynne said. “There needs to be a respectful process and that needs to be finalized.”

Pupatello on homophobia

One of Kathleen Wynne’s senior campaign folks, Milton Chan, has a very important statement on his Facebook page, here.

What he is describing is completely, totally unacceptable in any modern political party. Going back years, Sandra Pupatello has gone after the Ontario PCs for their latent/explicit homophobia (They’re in the “dark ages,” here.)

Everyone in the race needs to condemn this B.S. right away. We don’t need it or want it.


The Wynne campaign just did a robocall to a bunch of new Ontario Liberals. I wonder how they got their numbers?

Also, robocalls: interesting strategy, there.

Blogging Tories ITOW – latest

More such filth here.

Messrs. Harper and Hudak should reconsider their association with these lunatics.

But they won’t.