The truth behind a lie

The why of Trump’s birther lie is easy: it was a perfect vehicle for an insidious racist appeal – it was Trump extending a greasy tentacle to old white bigots, the ones who could not believe, still, that a black man was President of the United States. 

The how Trump did it is more elusive. I think the key is one short paragraph, in a longer New York Times piece from this morning. 

What he could do — and what he did do — was talk about it, uninhibitedly, on social media, where dark rumors flourish in 140-character bursts and, inevitably, find a home with those who have no need for facts and whose suspicions can never be allayed. 

And he mused about it on television, where bright lights and sparse editing ensure that millions can hear falsehoods unchallenged by fact-checking. 

Why doesn’t he show his birth certificate?” Mr. Trump asked on ABC’s “The View.” “I want to see his birth certificate,” he told Fox News’s “On the Record.”  

And so it went. 

Andrew Coyne tries to assign blame for Trump’s rise in an important column this morning, seen here. He’s right about all of it, pretty much. 

But Andrew’s a moralist, in his essence, and he therefore doesn’t want to give credit where credit is due – and Donald Trump deserves most of the credit. Trump understands TV better than most journalists (and certainly his opponents) do. He understands, as I say all the time, that TV is about pictures. TV is about emotion and not information. 

Does this mean I’m worried (and, PS, I’m not dead either)? Yes, a bit. I’ve always felt the TV debates were all upside for Trump, and all downside for Clinton. She needed to be going into them with a healthy lead. 

The healthy lead is gone. And she is about to face off with a loathsome liar and a racist, true – but he is a liar and a racist who understands TV better than she ever will. 

Start praying. The entire world will be engulfed in an end-times war within a year of this piece of shit winning. And that’s the truth, too. 

Snippet from next week’s column: I am media, hear me squeak

Three – and this key, in the Era of Trump and Leitch – to affect public opinion, the mainstream media needs to have an understanding of public opinion. But, increasingly, we don’t.

The reasons for this are myriad. Polling – to which we are hopelessly addicted, like fentanyl – is flawed, and makes many more mistakes than it once did. Also: social media has distorted the aforementioned social consensus that used to exist about was “important.” And, finally, technology has enabled citizens to become their own editors, rendering the likes of Peter Mansbridge completely irrelevant, like totemic relics from a forgotten epoch.

Up here in McLuhan’s homeland, we saw the truth of all these things recently. Kellie Leitch, a Conservative MP desperate for both attention and her party’s leadership, declared that she would screen immigrants and refugees for “anti-Canadian values” (whatever those are). On cue, and as Leitch clearly hoped, lots of politicians and media folks were apoplectic. They condemned her and wrote stirring editorials about values (whatever those are).

And then, the Toronto Star – the paragon of all progressive values and Atkinsonian principles, no less – sheepishly released a poll showing that, um, two-thirds of Canadians agreed with Leitch. Oops! So much for manufacturing consent. So much for an omnipotent, all-seeing media, per McLuhan, “investing our lives with artificial perceptions and arbitrary values.”

Personally, I don’t give a sweet shit about whether two-thirds, or three-thirds, agree with Leitch or not. Her questionnaire stunt was a naked appeal to latent bigotry, one designed to draw out the very worst in people. It worked. 

 Good for her, shame on us.

One year ago

…so Facebook tells me. Amazing. 

I, like everyone else, will be writing the obligatory Year of Trudeau™ column(s) in the days ahead. In short form, however, I will say his pros and cons are:

  • Pros: Like Harper, he has absorbed his nearest opponent – in Harper’s case, the PCs; in his, the NDP. Huge. 
  • Cons: He has raised expectations to a level that no human could ever satisfy. C-51, TPP, pipelines, aboriginal issues, electoral reform, health transfers and other thorny nettles await. 

Fun promise-tracker here. Click away. And, in the meantime, here’s that simply amazing Nanos chart from just a year ago. Wow. 

This week’s column: no value

What’s a value?

Conservative leadership candidate Kellie Leitch has been talking a lot about “values.” She sent out a questionnaire to Conservative partisans about it. Here’s what it said: “Should the Canadian government screen potential immigrants for anti-Canadian values as part of its normal screening for refugees and landed immigrants?”

Leitch’s question enraged the Left side of the spectrum – and her party’s acting leader, and several Conservative caucus members, and a leadership rival. (Newspaper columnists and editorial boards, too.) They were all super outraged.

That’s what Leitch wanted, of course: attention. Your average Canadian voter couldn’t pick her out of a two-person police line-up. So she and her smart circle of advisors did something to get noticed, and to get pointy-headed progressive intellectuals – who the conservative base deeply detest – to commence the gnashing of teeth and rending of garments. It worked, big time. 

While everyone was running around being outraged, however, no one bothered to ask any practical questions. Here’s one: how would Prime Minister Leitch’s policy actually work, in the real world? At some future border crossing, would a courteous CBSA lean across the counter and say: “Welcome to Canada. Are your values Canadian, or Islamic State-ish? Planning on blowing anything up? Got an tobacco or alcohol to declare? No? Well, have a good day and welcome!”

Leitch’s stunt was just that: a stunt. She’s a doctor, and she’s not particularly stupid. She knows that CBSA – and CSIS, and the RCMP, and (as we have recently learned, after the confrontation with that ISIS fanboy in London) the FBI and Homeland Security in the U.S. – already screen potential immigrants and refugees to Canada for their affinity for terror and extremism. So, knowing that, what was Kellie Leitch – she of the mid-election barbaric practices hotline stunt – hoping to achieve with her latest stunt, about “values?” 

To get noticed, as noted. And to appeal, naturally, to the Conservative Party’s still-formidable red-necked, knuckle-dragging moth-breather demographic.  

Richard Nixon pioneered that sort of strategy, many years ago. He used to say that Republican presidential aspirants should run to the Right to get the nomination – and then, once they get it, start running back to the Centre. (Somebody should tell Donald Trump, who is still jogging toward the outer reaches of the far Right.)

So that’s what Leitch is doing, as she scrambles to get noticed and win her party’s leadership. It’s cynical, it’s dishonest, and it may just work.

But we digress. When Leitch talks about “values,” what does she mean? Does anyone know what a “value” is? Kellie Leitch doesn’t define what she means by “values” – and, when you think about it, neither does any other politician, ever. 

Values are the stuff of life. They are indefinable. They are hopes and dreams and fears and the things found deep within the guts of every person. Values are about emotion, not reason – which is why the Right is so good at them. They know the Left get tongue-tied when trying to talking about passion and emotion and stuff like that. And – almost always – whomever controls the “values” debate tends to win elections.

I wrote an entire book about the subject, Fight the Right, available still at fine bookstores near you. Therein, I noted that, after every electoral loss, progressives always confuse “values” with “messaging.” But they’re not the same thing. The challenges facing progressives extend to more than mere linguistics and wordplay. Values are the ineffable, keenly felt issues that hit folks at a primordial level. Not the stuff we think about – the stuff we feel. The stuff that attracts the attention of hearts, not heads.  

Pollsters, pundits and political scientists prattle on endlessly about values, but none of them ever seems to be able to offer a working definition of same. A value is known, it’s felt, as noted, but a value isn’t easily described. 

Leitch, and her fellow travelers on the Right are better at values – because they have a willingness to talk about emotional issues, and a willingness to manipulate cultural prejudices. 

Conservatives delight in values-related debate, because they know that surveys consistently show that voters believe that conservatives have values, and liberals don’t. Also problematic: we progressive types fuss over minutiae. We are too often the proponents of Nanny Statism and social engineering, whether we realize it or not We’re policy fuss-budgets. Conservatives, meanwhile, are more concerned with what Garance Franke-Ruta, the online politics editor of The Atlantic, calls “the fundamental stuff of life.”  

They’re all big picture, the conservatives. Progressives, meanwhile, are all about the little things: laundry lists of picayune political promises; minor tactical tweaks; everything that is vertical, in policy terms, but little that is horizontal. Voters know it. Or, more accurately, they feel it.

One of the experts I interviewed for Fight the Right summed it up best: “The Right has always been very good at playing to resentments, and particularly class resentments of the white working class.”

And that’s why Rob Ford won, and why Donald Trump is gaining on Hillary Clinton, and why Kellie Leitch – dishonestly, despicably – is going on and on about “values.” Because the values war is the war that conservatives will always win. And that’s the phony war that Kellie Leitch is fighting right now.  

And we’re all falling for it.


Hillary’s health: a campaign secret, revealed 

When every politico heard today’s diagnosis, they all nodded and went: “Oh yeah. Been there. Got that.”

It comes from working your ass off, day after day. Starts with a cold (pressing the flesh, being in confined spaces with many people, etc.), leads to bronchitis (ignored, because everyone else is working so hard, etc.), and culminates in pneumonia. Happens a lot. 

One time, I got it so bad I coughed hard enough to crack a rib – and I ruptured the conjunctiva in one of my eyes. That was a treat. 

She needs to cool it, for sure. Campaign-induced pneumonia is not to be taken lightly. But one thing is for sure: today’s news tells everyone who is the hard worker – and who is the sausage-fingered, sphincter-mouthed combover whose idea of “hard work” is ordering around the Mexican labourers he says he will deport.