My latest: when the tortured are (falsely) called torturers

Benjamin Netanyahu is not an extremely likeable person.

In Israel, where this writer met with many people earlier this month, Israel’s Prime Minister was reviled across the ideological spectrum, from Left to Right. His failure to anticipate and prevent the October 7 massacre will never be forgotten or forgiven by the Jewish state. When the war ends, so too will his tenure in power.

But, one, should Netanyahu be the subject of an arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court (ICC), before a trial has even taken place? Two, does Israel’s Prime Minister, as dislikable as he is, lose the presumption of innocence?

And, three, while we are on the subject, should the ICC be referring to Israel as “the territory of Israel” – and the Gaza Strip as “the State of Palestine?” Fourth and final question: has the ICC ever sought an arrest warrant for Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, whose regime has killed 306,000 Muslim non-combatants?

The answer to all four questions is no. No, no, no, no.

The fact that a publicity-seeking prosecutor associated with the ICC is condemning Netanyahu before trial – which President Joe Biden, no less, called outrageous – is symptomatic of the age in which we live. So, too, the ICC’s relegation of Israel to a mere “territory,” and Gaza to a “State” (capitalized, no less). And letting genocidal monsters like al-Assad off the hook? Again, it is another sickening reversal of reality.

This sort of upside-down-ism is representative of a unique (and evil) phenomenon that is emerged since October 7: Holocaust inversion. Where everything – history, decency, truth – is turned on its head, essentially.

Holocaust inversion is depicting Jews, and the Jewish state, as Nazis. It is turning victims into predators. It is a willful and disgusting distortion of history. History shows, as indisputable fact, that six million Jews were slaughtered by Adolf Hitler’s regime during World War Two, It shows that Jews needed to re-establish their ancestral homeland, to be safe.

Holocaust inversion is like Holocaust denial, but qualitatively worse. The Holocaust deniers that this writer has interviewed, over many years, deny the Holocaust to whitewash the sins of Hitler and his evil regime. Those who practice Holocaust inversion – since October 7, too many Muslims, too many on the Left and, now, the ICC – don’t merely want to exonerate the likes of Hamas or Hezbollah. They want to falsely accuse Jews, too, of mass murder.

As British writer Howard Jacobson recently wrote for The Guardian, the objective in Holocaust inversion is there for all to see: “Charging Jews with genocide is a sophistication on that theme, painting them as perpetrators of the very crime that killed them in their millions, as a consequence of which that crime is abrogated.”

He continues: “There is a sadistic triumphalism in charging Jews with genocide, as though those making it feel they have their man at last. The sadism resides, specifically, in attacking Jews where their memories of pain are keenest. By making them now the torturer and not the tortured, their assailants wrest their anguish from them, not only stealing their past but trampling on it.”

And, now, we have the International Criminal Court’s Karim Khan doing precisely that from his perch in the Hague (aided and abetted by Amal Clooney, it has been reported): making a Jew the torturer, and not the tortured.

But, but, but some will say: Israel has committed genocide! Netanyahu must pay for that? Well, no.

It bears repeating: we don’t come here to praise Benjamin Netanyahu. But nor should we condemn him with arrest warrants when no genocide has taken place. The Population Reference Bureau and the Census Bureau in then United States, say this: “The Palestinian population growth rate is among the highest in the world: 3.4 per cent in the West Bank and 4.0 per cent in Gaza.  Life expectancy at birth, too, is “high,” say the agencies.  And, year over year, Palestinian population growth outstrips Israel’s by nearly 35 per cent.

If that is a genocide, it is fair to observe, it is a genocide that has completely failed.

The arrest warrants claiming Benjamin Netanyahu should fail, as well. They are based on a falsehood.

And they are trying to invert history – and reality.

My latest: the hidden hand

If you are a Canadian Jew, or you are one of the many who supports Canadian Jews and Israel, it’s been a bad week.

The mayor of Canada’s largest city refused to attend the raising of one (1) Israeli flag at City Hall, because it was too “divisive.”  McGill University failed to get an injunction to remove a weeks-long anti-Israel, pro-Hamas encampment.

A Jewish kid was beaten up by a Muslim kid at a Fredericton-area school, and teachers did nothing to stop it. Vancouver anrtists are being kicked out of exhibits for being Jewish. Canada, for the first time, showed its willingness to recognize a Palestinian “state” run by Hamas – a listed terror organization.

And, to top it all off, CBC broadcast a couple “facts checks,” as they called them, about whether the aforementioned encampments – the Infant-fada – were receiving support from outside.

The “fact checks” were so replete with errors, so completely unbalanced, we will not even link to them, because we have a policy against publishing fake news at this organization.  Suffice to say that the “investigative reporter” who broadcast the stories mainly relied upon (a) other CBC reporters (b) Israel-hating protestors and (c) an anti-Zionist professor for his sources.  Tells you all you need to know.

So, what is the truth?  Are the protests we are seeing on our university campuses, and in our streets – across Canada and the United States – planned and connected? Are they being funded by others?

Well, yes and yes.  As far back as January, this newspaper has published multiple sourced reports about “pro-Palestine” protestors getting paid to protest, from Victoria to Montreal.  We have documented that self-styled “progressive” organizations here and in the U.S. are using their non-profit status to pass along millions to those who despise Jews and the Jewish state. It’s all right there in Google, by us and other news organizations.

But perhaps CBC can’t afford Google.  Perhaps, too, they didn’t see a bombshell lawsuit that was commenced earlier this month – and well before CBC broadcast their fake news reports – in the Virginia’s District Court.  It wasn’t hard to find.  We certainly found it, within minutes.

That lawsuit, all 49 pages of it, lays out in granular detail the way in which the anti-Semitic American Muslims for Palestine (AMP, which isn’t as active in Canada) and the pro-Hamas Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP, which assuredly is, with 200 chapters here and around the globe) “serve as Hamas’ propaganda divisions” in Canada and the U.S. and elsewhere.

In Canada, some SJP chapters have taken slightly different names, like Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA), or Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR).  But they’re all branches of the same poisonous tree – about which the Anti-Defamation League has said: “Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and many of the organization’s campus chapters explicitly endorsed the actions of Hamas and their armed attacks on Israeli civilians…SJP chapters issue pro-Hamas messaging and/or promote violent anti-Israel messaging channels.”

So, SJP is here and they are very active on campuses – and they help oversee just about every anti-Semitic protest in this country.  What does the lawsuit say about them?  And who is suing them, and for what?

The lawsuit is brought by young people, mainly, who somehow survived the slaughter at the Nova Music Festival on October 7, or the mass-murder of innocents at Kibbutz Holit on the same terrible day.  Fifteen people were killed at the kibbutz, Israelis and non-Israelis alike.  At Nova, the site of the worst atrocities on that day, 364 mainly young people were killed.

Their lawsuit against SJP and AMP is a legal work of art, basically. It is a thing of beauty. It meticulously and surgically lays out the ways in which SJP and its allied organizations “provide on-campus management and control hundreds of university chapters of SJP.” Why? “To operate a propaganda machine for Hamas and its affiliates across campuses.”

The legal action has been brought by five of some of the biggest and best law firms in the United States.  It seeks a jury trial, and unspecified damages for the plaintiffs.  To date, representatives of SJP and AMP have not responded to multiple requests for comment on the lawsuit.

In the statement of clim, the victims write: “[SJP and its affiliates] provide ongoing, continuous, systematic and material support for Hamas its affiliates…by operating and managing Hamas’s mouthpiece for North America, dedicated to sanitizing Hamas’ atrocities and normalizing its terrorism.”

It’s all right there, page after page of it.  The allegations haven’t been tested in court yet.  But would it have killed CBC to, say, reach out to someone involved in the lawsuit, and try and get both sides of the story?

Apparently.  Perhaps they were too busy counting their taxpayer-funded bonuses to, you know, go out and do some real reporting.

No matter.  The rest of us know the truth: the Jew-hating protests, rallies and encampments we are seeing are funded, in whole or in part, by outside interests who do not wish to reveal themselves.  They are the hidden hand.

But the rest of us will not rest until the hidden hand is exposed.

My latest: Chow has chosen sides

Olivia Chow has made her choice.

For months, she’s bobbed and weaved. For months, she has refused to be crystal clear about the orgy of anti-Semitism and Jew-hating crime that has gripped Toronto.

The mayor of Canada’s largest city will issue an occasional sympathetic tweet, sure, when things get particularly bad. But clearly showing support for Toronto’s Jewish community, when they are feeling under siege? When they are feeling isolated and maligned and scared?

Not Olivia Chow.

On Tuesday morning, Chow finally made a clear choice. On Tuesday morning, a small ceremony took place: the raising of Israel’s flag in a remote corner of City Hall, as has been done for years, without any problem.

Chow refused to attend.

Before the ceremony, someone sent her an email about it. Chow sent back a response, which was circulated online late Monday night. She did a bit of buck-passing, claiming that the city’s protocol office decided to let Israel’s flag be raised, not her. And then she said this:

“The Mayor did not decide to fly the flag, and does not have the authority to approve or deny flag raising requests. The Mayor will not attend the flag raising. She believes raising it is divisive at this time, and understands the deep pain and anguish felt by many in the community.”

That’s pretty clear: “The Mayor will not attend the flag raising.” And, so, she didn’t.

Councillor James Pasternak was there, and some others. A few Israel-haters showed up, too, but they were kept a safe distance away. But no Olivia Chow, who claims to be mayor of all of Toronto.

Well, it turns out she’s mayor of just some of Toronto – a Toronto where some citizens are more equal than others. She’s not mayor anymore to any of Toronto’s many Jews, apparently.

Five problems with that.

1. Fair is fair, Mayor Chow. If Israel’s flag is “divisive,” then Palestinian flags shouldn’t be displayed at protests and rallies anymore, either. Because, you know, that’s “divisive.”
(And by the by: There are Israeli flags on homes all over Toronto, which has a big Jewish population. Does Toronto’s erstwhile mayor want them taken down, too, because they’re “divisive?”)

2. This flag-raising, as noted, has happened for years. But this year – when Jews are under unprecedented assault, and want reassurance that they are welcome in Toronto, where they pay taxes and contribute to the betterment of the city – Olivia Chow wants Jews to be invisible. She wants them erased.

3. By falsely claiming there is a “security” issue, Olivia Chow has made it into one. In previous years, no one had “security” issues. This year, Toronto’s mayor is making it into one – by recklessly pitting one side against the other. Is safety truly an issue? Well, if safety is an issue, then pick up the phone and call the police, Mayor Chow. You’ve got their number, don’t you? I mean, you appoint the Chief and set the Toronto Police Service budget, after all.

4. A few days ago, the logo and propaganda of Hamas’ military wing was projected onto the side of a building at the University of Toronto, which happens to be blocks from where Chow lives. From her, not a peep. But, now, Israel’s flag is “divisive”? Seriously?

5. Final point, about which there can be no mistake: this no-show is a profound insult to Toronto’s Jews, who see this as more than a mere flag-raising. To them, it’s making a choice. To them, it’s expressing a desire that they aren’t here anymore. Erasing them. Removing them.

Which happened in a certain European country in the 1930s, didn’t it?


Not only is wearing that mask an indication that you hate Jews and democracy, it’s also pretty derivative, campus kids.

My latest: the loneliest country in the world

JERUSALEM – One of the first things you notice about this country, when you come here, is the people. Not the beautiful sights, so much, these days. The people.

At your hotel, there aren’t any spare rooms. They’re all full. In the mornings at the included breakfast, you see exhausted parents trying to corral their kids, who are wearing pajamas all the time and look sadder than a child ever should.

Out on the streets, the restaurants and shops are mostly empty. Fewer people than usual can be seen walking around.

And outside the cities like Jerusalem, you see soldiers everywhere – lots and lots of them, so young, carrying around M-16s and Glock and Sig Sauer sidearms. The citizens you meet, meanwhile, don’t smile much. They look sad and anxious. Some of them carry guns, too.

Why so are the hotels so full? Simple. They’re full of refugees. When Hamas attacked in the South and slaughtered 1,200 people and incinerated their homes, the survivors needed somewhere to live. So, they moved to hotel rooms in the cities, where they’ve been trapped for months. Many don’t want to return with their kids to the kibbutzim, so near are they to the border with Gaza.

Same with the ones from the North, the ones within easy rocket and missile range of Hezbollah. They’ll likely never be allowed back – thousands and thousands of them. Families with kids, the elderly.

And why so few people on the streets, in the shops and restaurants? Because the tourists are staying away in droves. Because many Israelis are unenthusiastic to be out somewhere and caught in an attack, that’s why.

All over Old Jerusalem, near the holiest places in Christianity and Judaism and Islam, are bilingual signs recalling who was shot to death or stabbed to death on that spot. There’s a lot of those signs.

And why the sad faces? That, too, is obvious. Because everyone knows someone who was killed or taken hostage. Everyone has a relative in the army, because service is mandatory here. Everyone feels completely and totally abandoned by those they formerly considered friends and allies.

Like, say, us. Canadians. As they live refugee lives in cramped hotel rooms far from their homes, Israelis watch the news carefully. (There’s not much else to do.) They see the hate rallies in our streets. They see the attacks on Canadian synagogues and Jewish community centers and businesses. They see our kids – white, privileged kids hiding behind masks – camping out at universities, mouthing tributes to actual terrorists.

The Israelis see all that, and they feel utterly and completely alone. They feel abandoned by those they considered allies and friends, like Canadians. And they wonder if October 7, 2023 is some new Kristallnacht, a reprise of what followed it. They wonder if Hamas and Iran and their Satanic brethren will finish what the Nazis started.

Over and over, Israelis expressed bewilderment to us, Canadian media. Why do so many in the West regard us as a war-mongering, white supremacist, Islamophobic apartheid regime led by a fascist? Why?

It’s true: lots of people think Israelis fully support the government of Benjamin Netanyahu and the senior leadership of the armed forces and the intelligence agencies. But they don’t. They just don’t.

Every single Israeli I met – every one – expressed barely-controlled rage about Netanyahu and his generals and advisors. They want all of them gone. They want to clean out the stables.

They are livid Netanyahu et al. didn’t foresee October 7 coming. They are shocked, still, that it happened. Some openly detest Netanyahu for it.

Similarly, the notion that Israel is a far-Right theocratic backwater that hates Muslims? It’s absurd. It’s wrong. Almost all of the men, women, children and babies slaughtered on the Seventh were farmers and rural people who live off the land. Mostly socialistic, atheistic people who wouldn’t ever vote for Netanyahu.

Their families are the ones who protest every single day outside Netanyahu’s official residence here, because they don’t think the government has done enough to get back the hostages.

And 20 percent of Israel’s population? It’s Muslim. Muslims were murdered and kidnapped in October 7, too. They are mourned and missed here as much as Jews are.

So, does Israel possess military might? Yes, of course. But Israelis  want peace more than land. Over and over since 1967, they’ve ceded land to hostile Muslim forces, betting that it will foster peace. Every time, they’ve lost the bet. Case in point: a ceasefire existed until October 6. It was broken by Hamas. Not Israel.

Are the Israelis as militaristic as the campus Infant-fada claim? Well, after Iran bombarded Israel with hundreds of missiles, rockets and drones less than a month ago, not one Arab nation (apart from Syria) would’ve objected if Israel had bombed Iran’s regime back to the Stone Age. But Israel didn’t. They fired off a few warnings, and then withdrew. The Allies didn’t do that in Dresden or Hiroshima.

At Nir Oz, a kibbutz where many residents were murdered or kidnapped, we were led around by Rita Lifshitz. She stood in front of the ruined home of her octogenarian father-in-law, a pro-Palestinian Israeli who used to take sick Gazans to hospital. They kidnapped him.

Rita looks like she hasn’t smiled in seven months. She probably hasn’t.

Casting her gaze over the charred ruins of her father-in-law’s home, she whispers just loud enough to be heard:  “It’s like a holocaust.”

Israel doesn’t feel so much like a country, these days. It feels like an open wound.

It needs healing.