In today’s Sun: Going nuclear

“But what of the NDP, now readying itself for an election campaign? Do they go along with the reckless speculation of Greenpeace and their ilk? In the past, the New Democrats have said they do not support nuclear energy, full stop. The NDP, Greenpeace happily notes, believe “nuclear energy is dangerous and prohibitively expensive.”

NDP Leader Jack Layton has spoken about the issue in the House of Commons in the past, obliquely stating our reliance on nuclear energy is “a mistake,” and we need to halt the proliferation of nuclear energy. Since disaster struck in Japan, however, Layton has keep mostly silent. He hasn’t attempted to take partisan advantage of the Japanese disaster, so far, which is to his credit.”

Ian Davey

This has nothing to do with the previous post (although it certainly could). It is my buddy Ian Davey’s FB profile pic! It shows how cool he is.

Oh, what the Hell.  I’ve got your attention, anyway, so let me say it: Ian sure didn’t ever let the party slip to 23 PER CENT, did he?

Nope, he didn’t.

Ian Davey, around the time he (and I) were punk fans.

23 per cent

Interesting piece. I think the writer was trying to be kind to some people who are about to have an unkind time between the end of this month and May 9. Fair enough.

Two comments: one, when credible polling firms start to watermark you at or near 23 per cent, you shouldn’t be listened to anymore for your brilliant strategic insight.

Two, “self-abnegation.” Calling your own leader “an egghead”? Ensuring the piece has more to say about staff than caucus? May as well have agreed to attribution with those, big guy.

Are teachers still a political force?

Personally, I’d say they never stopped being a powerful political force.

So this is good news:

TORONTO – Ontario’s public high school teacher’s union seems ready to back Premier McGuinty’s flagging Liberal government.

Union leaders are warning of a return to tough times if the Tories win October’s provincial election.

They point to the the bitter labour disputes and budget cuts seen under former Premier Mike Harris.

The vice-president of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation says education will be under attack if Tory Leader Tim Hudak becomes premier.

In today’s Sun: getting a handle on scandal, a manual

To campaign or not to campaign? That, increasingly, is the question.

The Liberals are all of a sudden gunning for Tory bear. If the Opposition’s rhetoric is matched by action, we could be heading into an election a lot sooner than later.

The ballot question: Do you think the Stephen Harper Government™ has been as ethical as it promised to be?

The Liberals’ strategy seems straightforward enough. These Cons — the ones who promised transparency and accountability — have now irrevocably become what they promised to destroy. To invoke a Manning-ism, they’ve been Otta-washed.

4 am, the scene at Pearson

Literally a thousand people – many with little kids – lined up for hours for a customs agent. What a frigging joke.

There aren’t any Con votes in this room, that’s for damn sure.

I hate hate hate WestJet (updated)

1. Flight was supposed to leave Fort Myers for Toronto at 8:30.

2. They have moved it back multiple times. IT IS NOW LEAVING AT 11:21.

3. That means I will be arriving with my Mom AND FOUR YOUNG KIDS AT ABOUT 5 A.M.

4. Any explanation from WestJet? Just a shrug and “maintenance.” One word. “Maintenance.”


I know, I know. You guys always remind me about the last time I flew with these idiots, and how I promised to never ever again fly WestJet. I know.

But they were a full thousand bucks cheaper than the alternatives, including going through Buffalo. They were cheaper.

Guess I know why now, don’t I?

UPDATE: It’s well past the appointed hour. They have said there is yet another delay, and hope to be in the air “soon.” Uh-huh.