
1. How can you “quit” something which you haven’t been part of – quite literally – for weeks? Or from which you were fired? How, exactly?

2. What kind of “friend” are you when you stab a friend in the back in public – without a head’s up, without even the courtesy of a phone call? Is that not what cowards do?

3. Does it suck when someone you trusted turns out to be untrustworthy? Sure it sucks. But it says a lot more about them than you, usually, doesn’t it?

UPDATE: Read this.

Bottom line

…the Reformatories shit the bed. I guess year after year of alienating pretty much every other country isn’t much of an international strategy, is it, boys?

What a complete and total failure: it’s epic. Beaten by PORTUGAL.

Comments are open. Let’s see how many Tory Trolls start regurgitating PMO talking points.

(They’ll be the same trolls who would’ve been trumpeting it as a Harper victory, naturally, had we not had our asses handed to us by a country that has fewer people than Ontario, and is geographically smaller than Sakatchewan.)

Mo Foster

I was so sad to hear this news: I didn’t even know Mo Foster had been ill.

He was a great Chretien man, and a gentleman, too.  We are diminished by his passing.


Former Liberal MP Foster dies

Former Liberal MP Maurice Foster, who represented Algoma, Ont., was “a man of humanity and compassion.” He died on Oct.2, at the age of 77 from pulmonary fibrosis. As an MP from 1968 to 1993, Mr. Foster served as the Parliamentary secretary to the Treasury Board president and as the party’s deputy whip. He also chaired three committees during his time in the House and upon retiring from politics, served as an adviser to former prime minister Jean Chrétien until 2001.

Mr. Foster is survived by his wife, Janet, four children, and 14 grandchildren. A funeral service was held last Monday.

(The Hill Times)

Kiss that seat goodbye?

I’m a bit of a Julian Fantino fan, so I’m biased.  Maurizio leaves big, big shoes to fill: can Julian do it? What do you think?  If Harper wins back that seat, how far is he from a majority?  (It’s Monday, and I’m not awake yet.)

Personally, I’m amazed Julian’s giving up on three pensions to embrace the joys of Perpetual Minority Government. Not how I’d spend my twilight years, but that’s just me.


Fantino Politics
Source: The Canadian Press
Oct 12, 2010 4:05
VAUGHAN, Ont. – Reports say Ontario’s former top cop will take a run at joining the Harper Conservatives in Ottawa.

The reports say Julian Fantino will announce today that he will run for the Tories in an upcoming federal byelection in Vaughan, north of Toronto.

A telltale sign is found at his website

Although the website didn’t open early today, a title bar that did open is marked “Conservative Party of Canada.”

The seat was vacated in August by longtime Liberal MP Maurizio Bevilacqua, who quit to run for mayor of Vaughan.

He served the riding for 22 years and won several elections by wide margins, though that lead tapered off in the 2008 race.

(The Canadian Press)


New thing I hate

Since they started offering free WiFi, every Starbucks has become a goddamned laptop farm.

No place to sit. I hate it.

Thank you.

Let’s defeat Sandra Bussin now!

Statement by Martin Gladstone

Candidate for Council, Ward 32 Beaches-East York

Today, I have made a very difficult decision, one which I believe is in the best interests of our community and the residents of Ward 32.

I have come to the really hard decision that the best way to serve the community of Beaches-East York is to withdraw from the race, and request that my supporters vote for Mary- Margaret McMahon for Councillor Ward 32.

Since August 12th, our team has worked very very hard to mount an effective campaign to defeat Sandra Bussin as Councillor Ward 32. The number of concerned community members who came forward to help has been one of the most positive experiences of my life, and I am truly grateful for the support I received.

As a community, we share the strong belief that our ward desperately needs change. Every day on this campaign residents have called me, written me, and at virtually every doorstep have expressed their anger, frustration, and lost confidence with our current councillor. They have also expressed their deep concern that the vote will split between the candidates and that Bussin will be re-elected.

After reviewing current poll results, Mary-Margaret McMahon is in a slight lead in this race. The reality is if I continue to campaign it will probably be at the expense of Mary-Margaret McMahon’s support which in turn will erode her lead and allow Sandra Bussin to squeak past and be re-elected by a small margin. I care too much about our community and our city to allow that to happen.

Mary-Margaret McMahon is a hard worker. She brings fresh energy and vision to the job. She has been a proven community leader and is ready to serve us with integrity and enthusiasm. She is the change we all want.

I hope my supporters will share my conviction that by making this decision our team is doing everything possible to achieve our original shared goal, which is to unseat Sandra Bussin and bring the real change we all desire to our ward and our city.

I wish to thank all my volunteers and donors for the support and enthusiasm they have brought to this election and I hope Ward 32 will support Mary-Margaret on October 25th .


Media contact Des Brown at 416 568 1214 or

Mary Margaret McMahon’s campaign: 416-690-5006