03.05.2010 09:20 AM

Friday Morning Bits and Pieces

• Adam: Wakey, wakey! Like, have you lost your mind?
• Welcome back, Bob! Great, great news – so much for Little Timmy’s promised surge. What’s that? Zero for three, now?
• Hook, line, sinker: we all take Harper’s bait – talking about what he wants us to talk about (a diversion), instead of what we should be talking about (the gargantuan program cuts that lie ahead). Sigh.
• Gotcha! Finally, from one of wk.com’s ever-watchful watchers, a missive about this weekend’s Ontario PC AGM in Ottawa. “We need content,” indeed:

From: Brett Bell <brettdbell@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 22:41:17 -0500
To: Brett Bell<brettdbell@gmail.com>
Cc: Joseph Lavoie<jl@josephlavoie.com>
Subject: IMPORTANT – AGM & Twitter


Hope you’re well. As we gear up for this weekend’s AGM, I wanted to reach out to the more active Twitter users to talk about our strategy going into the Convention. Beginning around noon Friday, the current AGM site will be retooled to serve as an online hub to provide real-time update to visitors and Party members who cannot make it to Ottawa. We have a full compliment of bloggers, photographers and videographers capturing all the event and we will publish all of it to the web, Facebook and Twitter.

Speaking of which, I hope each of you will make a specific point of tweeting as much as possible about the AGM program – we need lots of content. I wanted to also let you know about some of the ways we will be using Twitter over the weekend, which will be spearheaded by Joseph Lavoie (copied).

First, the Party has set up a specific Twitter account @pcagm2010 that will post updates and content from the AGM website and the floor of the Convention. If you Tweet something and want the Convention folks to see it, tweet it to us there.

Secondly, we will be using a new hashtag for the AGM: #pcAGM. You can obviously still use #pcpo but the #pcAGM will go up on the AGM website. Beginning Friday, please use this to tweet about your AGM experience.

Please post as many pics as possible to the hashtag or to @pcagm2010. We will grab them and post them on the site. You can also e-mail them to pics@agm2010.ca.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks so much for your assistance.


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