Musings —03.15.2010 10:35 AM
—If a tree falls on a crowded university campus…
…does anyone mourn its passing?
This was on my path as I walked through St. Mike’s campus to Queen’s Park this morning. It made me sad.
Musings —03.15.2010 10:35 AM
—…does anyone mourn its passing?
This was on my path as I walked through St. Mike’s campus to Queen’s Park this morning. It made me sad.
You can’t be as sad as Hellena feels this week.
Perhaps this tree could be used as a metaphor for the imminent Conservative collapse. If used in that context, it ain’t so sad!
The university needs Treebeard or at least a decent Tolkien scholar to give this tree its last rites. Positively Orcish to leave a tree untended in its last hours.
The only thing that makes me sad about this pic is that I’m not standing at the base of it with my Stihl 064 Magnum, there’s no feeling quite like a 300 year old tree (although the one discussed is likely < 60) crashing to the earth, the wind, the flying debris..
Damn I miss killing trees…