Musings —04.27.2010 08:55 AM
—He’ll cave
Chances of an election being forced? Somewhere between slim and none. Zero, zippo, zilch.
Carry on as you were. I plan to.
Musings —04.27.2010 08:55 AM
—Chances of an election being forced? Somewhere between slim and none. Zero, zippo, zilch.
Carry on as you were. I plan to.
Who? Harper, Milliken or Ignatieff?
That aside, the contempt motion is directed at individual Conservative MPs so it cannot be considered a confidence motion. If Milliken finds in favour of the Constitution and Canadian democracy over the Prime Minister, and Harper wants an election over it, he will have to engineer his own defeat somehow.
And I really think him calling an election because he does not want to be bound by Parliamentary democracy is a winning starting point to any electon.
Milliken. He’s a wonderful guy, but his tenure has not been marked by bold decisions.
This is the way democracy ends.
Not with a bang but a whimper.
This is the way democracy ends.
Not with a bang but a whimper.
I think you should amend that tagline to:
This is the way democracy ends.
Not with a bang but a Harper.
Ditto for the outgoing GG. Harper didn’t even have to show up at Rideau Hall to prorogue the last time and thus avoided the embarrassing photo-op. I’m hoping the next GG will be less of a puppet than this one.
If he sides with the government, I will never vote again because, what’s the point?
I completely agree with William M’s sentiment (although instead of not voting I might storm the Supreme Court of Canada).
If Milliken’s decision turns out to mean that the electorate cannot control executive secrecy and skullduggery by voting in a majority of seats in opposition, then any half-baked party with a bare plurality will be able both to seize control of the vault and to dictate our country’s behaviour in the world, without any possibility of meaningful supervision. Milliken’s decision had better reflect the catastrophic unacceptability of this outcome, or indeed all is lost.
I feel the same way – or felt the same way. I’d just pack it in and pay no more attention; because- what is the point? Why bother?
Now there seems to be hope, although I wish we didn’t have to wait 2 weeks to finish things up.
I would think that if Harper called an election over this – over Parliament; people would begin to figure him out.
I’ll take that bet Warren. Say lunch at your favourite Japanese restaurant?
I’d say James has with a 2 week qualification, won that bet.
@William M; Let’s be more proavtive and start an emigration movement to Sweden, Denmark or Norway. We have already got one letter-writer in Saturday’s Globe and Mail on our side. Things might even get bad enough for political asylum to be granted.
I think he’ll cave, too. Our democracy is sick. Milliken hasn’t been able to control behaviour in the House. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s been threatened with a political smear job by conservative operatives.
He doesn’t need to be threatened.
Just from past practice, he must know with certainty that the onslaught will come quickly if he dares defy them.
I am hoping for a brave decision by Speaker Milliken. Premised on his intention to not run again.
Hope springs eternal!
I’m with WK on this one. We have lost. Milliken may be a ‘wonderful guy’ but that does not mean he will do the best thing for Canada. He must be under considerable pressure from the Harper government. The threat of personal retribution should he rule against the Conservatives would drive most people to buckle under. The best we can hope for is some type of compromise so that Canada doesn’t surrender almost total democracy.
All would be lost if Miliken folds. The majority will of parliament should be the rule not the exception.
Damn. I only wish I had the confidence in Speaker Milliken that James Bowie showed.
Drinks included?
Mr. Milliken came through!
Should be an interesting two weeks.
Unbelievable. He didn’t cave and he found Harper in contempt and has ordered him to deliver the documents in full, subject to working out the process with the other parties within a tight 2 week deadline.
Wow. I’m actually kinda floored and very impressed.
Milliken: “Accordingly, on analysing the evidence before it and the precedents, the Chair cannot but conclude that the Government`s failure to comply with the Order of December 10, 2009 constitutes prima facie a question of privilege.
I will allow House Leaders, Ministers and party critics time to suggest some way of resolving the impasse for it seems to me we would fail the institution if no resolution can be found. However, if, in two weeks’ time, the matter is still not resolved, the Chair will return to make a statement on the motion that will be allowed in the circumstances. […]
It is the view of the Chair that accepting an unconditional authority of the executive to censor the information provided to Parliament would in fact jeopardize the very separation of powers that is purported to lie at the heart of our parliamentary system and the independence of its constituent parts. Furthermore, it risks diminishing the inherent privileges of the House and its Members, which have been earned and must be safeguarded. “
Thank you Mr. Miliken, Thank you!