05.11.2010 10:02 AM

Frank Frazetta, R.I.P.

When we were nerdling teens (and when we became nerdling adults), he was a big deal to us – brawny sword-swinging brutes, buxom princesses, scary creatures roaming the landscape, all rendered with an unforgettable style – and we vainly tried to copy his art.  And it was art.

R.I.P., Frank. (Some of his work can be seen here.)


  1. Elizabeth says:

    Oh noooo . . his stuff was/is SO good!

    His work has so much life, mystery. I don’t like this uber-detailed superhero art that I see now. Frank could really paint. I’ve got a book of his art somewhere.

  2. Elizabeth says:

    He’s one of the very few, maybe the only one — who draws/paints horses *accurately*, and with life, fire, and as someone who must have spent time around horses. Speaking as one who started drawing horses at 6.


    But not like that.

  3. allegra fortissima says:


    Women, Wizards, Warriors. And it is great Fantasy Art. Art never dies.

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