05.15.2010 10:58 PM

Get your Alberta Liberal coverage here!

Live! From Edmonton! It’s that guy from Calgary!

Interesting bit from the bottom of the story:

On Sunday, delegates will vote on a controversial resolution to co-operate with other “progressive” political parties in the next election. The NDP has voted down similar resolutions at their last two party AGMs.

Kinsella said the federal Liberals and NDP are inching toward some sort of co-operation, which may put pressure on provincial counterparts to do the same.

“If the other guys are splitting up, is it a good idea to consolidate to take advantage of that? I don’t think it’s such a bad idea at all,” Kinsella said.

UPDATE: The Journal guy is good-humoured about my jabs at the paper’s editorial board.


  1. Blair Shumlich says:

    In 1984 the Liberal party only received 28% of the popular vote. They bounced back under Chretien. I don’t think there is a need to do anything drastic like work with the NDP.

  2. e says:

    Now is time the NDP and Liberals take fourty seats and not compete; that is all it takes to defeat

  3. George says:


    They bounced back because Chretien had a divided right and the underwhelming likes of Manning and Day.

    And Ignatieff is no Chretien. Chretien was a tactician and a fighter, Ignatieff is not.

  4. James Bowie says:

    Your name in lights.

  5. Is there anyone(other than myself) who would dearly love to see this country go back to a “two party” system?My politics are definately “center-right”,but, I could live with a party which is “center-left”,forming our government.
    In my opinion(and yes,it’s quite humble),minority governments do not often do what’s good for the country.Being a minority they need/have to do what will best keep them in power.A coalition,by it’s very nature,will self destruct,sooner or later.
    A two party system,with an election,at least,every four years seems to me to be the most efficient way to run our country.
    Kinda sounds like our neighbors,eh!!

  6. Tceh says:

    “If the other guys are splitting up, is it a good idea to consolidate to take advantage of that? I don’t think it’s such a bad idea at all,” Kinsella said.

    A similar thing is happening in BC where the Gordon Campbell and the Provincial Liberals are taking a beating over the HST (rightly so IMO) and an ex Social Credit Premier and the provincial NDP have partnered to fight back against the HST. http://fighthst.com/ There is even talk of the BC Conservatives starting up. I understand you are supportive of the HST Warren but it has become a rallying cry against the Liberals and I think Gordon Campbell will suffer for it if he runs again.

  7. Hans says:

    Kinsella, don’t you ever get tired of promoting yourself and staring into the mirror? You’re an obnoxious, preening, narcissistic prick! Do everyone a huge favour and just disappear!

  8. J. Coates says:

    Liberal in Alberta? Sort of like a snowball in hell. 🙂

  9. John Murney says:

    “which may put pressure on provincial counterparts to do the same.” Nope, not in Saskatchewan. In Saskatchewan, the Sask. Liberal Party shares the same pool of voters as does the Saskatchewan Party. Oil and water do not mix; neither do the Saskatchewan Liberal Party and the Saskatchewan NDP.

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