His Reform-a-Tory friends benefit once with his ad, then AGAIN when he gets them funding, and yet AGAIN when he appoints them to government positions. Not even close to being “accountable”…
Harperites have learned quickly that governance at the federal level relies heavily upon the integrity of individual MP’s. Canadians are learning that Harperites can’t resist
temptation to take advantage of a trough so easy and golden.
I guess most people have forgotten about that little bit of conflict of interest stink around the Hon. T. Clement and his 25% interest in Prudential Chem Inc. when he was appointed Minister of Health.
P.S. I’m still waiting to hear some expression of solidarity, remembrance, lament from the Honourable Tory acolytes /members of the Harper Government /previous memebers of the Harris Government: Clement, Baird, Flaherty & Runciman on the 10th anniversary of the Walkerton fiasco.
Wow. Words like ‘nepotism’, ‘cronyism’, ‘toadying’, come to mind, and following that, for some reason — what comes into my mind is this tune – maybe someone could turn it all into a song:
Wow … just … wow.
I’m often amazed at how utterly stupid some politicians are.
His Reform-a-Tory friends benefit once with his ad, then AGAIN when he gets them funding, and yet AGAIN when he appoints them to government positions. Not even close to being “accountable”…
How very sad.
Harperites have learned quickly that governance at the federal level relies heavily upon the integrity of individual MP’s. Canadians are learning that Harperites can’t resist
temptation to take advantage of a trough so easy and golden.
Horrors. A local MP promoting local job creation in his Riding!
A new concept to Tory bashers, it would seem.
I guess most people have forgotten about that little bit of conflict of interest stink around the Hon. T. Clement and his 25% interest in Prudential Chem Inc. when he was appointed Minister of Health.
P.S. I’m still waiting to hear some expression of solidarity, remembrance, lament from the Honourable Tory acolytes /members of the Harper Government /previous memebers of the Harris Government: Clement, Baird, Flaherty & Runciman on the 10th anniversary of the Walkerton fiasco.
Wow. Words like ‘nepotism’, ‘cronyism’, ‘toadying’, come to mind, and following that, for some reason — what comes into my mind is this tune – maybe someone could turn it all into a song:
One billion dollars to protect 20 politicians from… us?
Little Stevey must realllly want to look like a big man in front of his buddies.