07.09.2010 08:41 AM

Let’s talk: smart politics

The first political party I belonged to makes a bold move. Smart. What do you think?


  1. Derek Pearce says:

    It may work in Alberta because the Tories there are getting a Wild Rose run for their money. Still would be a disaster to do this federally, though.

    • steve gallagher says:

      Wild Rose, Schmiled Schmozze, whatever. Let’s get in a supply of
      Wild Turkey Bourbon, invite over the ghost of the distinguished
      Dr. Hunter S. Thompson and have at the lot of em. Municipal, provincial,
      federal, agents for aliens amongst us, whatever.

      Play that Youngblood’s song, ‘Everybody Get Together’ and keep
      the whole lot of them on a mountain somewhere in central Alberta.

      Leave them all hung over and misty eyed in a savage prarie dog dawn.

      Former Calgarian now in Vancouver

  2. PolyGon says:

    Odd, no, to do this as an “open letter”? Maybe it’s a PR exercise for the grassroots, to deflect future allegations that any merger was being designed through the dreaded “backroom deal” (as if anything in politics happened in the front room)

    I’m not sure I’d advocate this type of campaign federally – progressives in Alberta are far enough from power that there is just nothing for them to lose. Federally, the LPC and NDP cling to (faint) hope that they don’t need formal cooperation. Plus, the Harper Machine and CanWest and friends would laugh Ignatieff right out of the country if he published a letter like the above.

    All that said, I do think people generally respect ballsyness more than obfuscation from their politicians. If/when the progressive federal parties begin to pursue an “agreement on togetherness,” they should be up front and unashamed about it, in public.

  3. Paul R. Martin says:

    As I live in Ontario and have spent very little time in Alberta, I will not comment on the story. A much more interesting story is the June employment report. 93,200 new jobs is a very big number. Ontario did quite well. On the other hand, polticians will not do very well if they continue to harp on the negative. They will do much better if they accentuate the positive. It is time for some positive ideas from our opposition parties.

    • J. Coates says:

      Flipping Ontario always does well at the expense of the rest of Canada. Just for once experience our problems, mainly manufactured by your province.

  4. Raymond says:

    Snowball. Hell.

  5. Namesake says:

    No small coincidence this occurred following your being invited to speak at their convention eh, WK?

    It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out; if it goes somewhere, it’ll certainly turn up the volume amongst the fed. Lib’s rhubarbing.

    Your friend the CalgaryGrit is underwhelmed, tho:

    But good to see their prov. leader at least took the bull by the horns, and dug in to win over his own party’s inertia first…



    …which has led some braver Roy Romanow types to throw down the gauntlet to challenge their own party to wake up and smell the coffee, as well:


  6. Sid says:

    So the Liberal party wants to be a “centrist” alternative? Strange positioning in a province where the two main options are both on the right.

  7. Blair S says:

    Very smart. The political right in Alberta is split at the moment, and badly. The LPA also isn’t the government in waiting so they don’t have much to lose.]

    I like it. Although Ed Stelmach has been the best Saskatchewan Premier ever, so I wouldn’t mind seeing him hold on some more. His bumbling has really helped my province grow!

  8. Namesake says:

    Yeah, Roland,* we know: your heart belongs to Danny. (“She’s here!” – tweet; “The crowd’s going wild – tweet; “I think she smiled at me!” – tweet…



  9. Jamie says:

    This isn’t about the NDP, they have chosen to run against the liberals and not the conservatives for every election in recent memory and that wont change. It is geared more toward the new Alberta Party that is quietly forming around kitchen tables. That is why there was this public letter and not a back room talks with Mason and Edwin Erickson, because that would be more attractive to the leadership of the AB Party. Here is a party’s official response


    and of one of the board members


    • Don Carruthers says:

      Agreed. This arguably makes some sense in Alberta because there is so little room on the left. It really makes no sense in Alberta for 2 centre-left parties to be duking it out for the relatively slim pickings on that end of the political spectrum there.

      I agree that federally, the equation is completely different. The Canadian federal Liberal Party is a huge tent compared to the Alberta Liberals.

  10. Chris says:

    The political right is split but the political left has seen little potential gain because they have failed to become a viable option for Alberta voters.

  11. Sean says:

    mature, intelligent, strategic, postive, selfless, forward looking, non partisan, community oriented, a GRIP on REALITY… sigh…

  12. Don Carruthers says:

    It also speaks volumes that the Alberta Liberal Party lists its address and HQ as being in Edmonton. That’s always been where they’ve had the best chance to win seats, Lawrence Decore was an Edmonton mayor, etc. But in Calgary, where the most people are and by far the most money and head offices are, the Alberta Liberals are the political equivalent of a footnote or asterisk.

    Same goes for the Alberta Dippers, really. Edmonton is Redmonton, as far as Calgarians are concerned.

  13. gretschfan says:

    One thing for sure, I’d change that logo pronto. To me, at a glance it says “when you and I talk, it’s all very puzzling.”

  14. Don Carruthers says:

    I agree they spend like a centre-left party, and that’s because they can get away with it. But they regulate industry like a decidedly right-wing party. And they don’t tax like a left wing party — again, because they usually don’t have to.

  15. Steve T says:

    I detest how the left has taken the word “progressive” and twisted its meaning to serve their purpose. It is, by its very nature, condescending and inaccurate. Not every left-of-centre policy equates to progress, and neither does every right-of-centre policy.

    Those who are on the fence, both in Alberta and elsewhere, will be turned off by this insulting terminology.

  16. Namesake says:

    Yeah, because once the oxymorons misappropriate a word (like “Progressive Conservatives,” “Canadian Security Intelligence Services,” “Microsoft Works”…) they get to trademark it and prevent it from returning to its original use for good!

  17. Davealberta.ca has an interview done by a Medecine Hat readio station with our illustrious premier.
    It is pathetic.To suggest that he and his government totally blew it regarding their response to the flooding in the south eastern part of our province,is a gross understatement.
    I have supported the PC party in this province for many years.That is finished.They are old,lazy,comfortable and unbelievably arrogant.It is high time they were voted OUT!!!!
    The liberal and NDP parties are non starters.The Wildrose is new.
    Our political landscape in this province is very bleak.Support for wildrose is increasing and we can only hope they will garner enough seats in the next election to shake up this government.
    Stelmac is a total bust.I hope he enjoys his Portugal(or wherever he’s going)vacation.

  18. Greg says:

    As a conservative from Alberta (probably the type Warren loves to throw political barbs at) let me add my 2 cents.

    This would be great. Politics works best when there is choice and alternatives. It was a good thing Federally when the PCs reunited. Before that the libs could cruise to victory with no worries. We need the same in Alberta. If the libs and NDP can unite (and get a different name, sorry but Liberal won’t work here, call yourselves the Alberta Party or Progressive Party) it could be a real 3 way horse race between the Wildrose PCs and Lib/NDPers. It is good for democracy and would be good for Alberta.

  19. robert says:

    David will get NO (as in zero) help from Alberta’s press all of whom have their lips pressed…elsewhere. Would that it could work…would that it could (sigh).

  20. jenjen says:

    Does anyone think it would be a good idea for the provincial Alberta Liberals and NDP to merge and to call themselves a new name entirely? Why no discussion on this after all these years in opposition?

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