Musings —11.24.2010 08:53 AM
—Cool Kids
The daughter and I were car dancing to this classic on the weekend. I told her it reminds me of federal politics. She looked at me funny.
There’s a real cool club on the other side of town
Where the real cool kids go
To sit around
And talk bad about the other kids
Yeah, it’s a real cool club and you’re
Not part of it
There’s Millie, Pickles and Pattycakes too
And Cubby’s making mean jokes about you
“Ha ha ya little twit!”
Yeah, it’s a real cool club and you’re not part of it
They’re a real cool bunch of die
And they’ll laugh at the Toughskins
Your mom got you from Sears
You dork they’ll never let you in
Cause it’s a real cool club and you’re not part of it
You’re fat and ugly and
An imbecile too
And that’s why they draw funny pictures of you
And talk bad about all the kids
Cause it’s a real cool club and you’re not a part of it
Yeah it’s a real cool club and you’ll never be a part of it
Yeah it’s a real cool club and you’ll never be a part of it
We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival.
Winston Churchill
Iffy and boby club is not cool and I don’t want to be part of it
OMG – I shouldn’t have watched this. I feel terrible now. Verdammte Fledermaeuse won’t let me join the club!
Reminds me of the pain of high school….