11.19.2010 11:45 AM

I liked Dwight’s FB status

…(highlighted) so I decided to post it.


  1. Paul R Martin says:

    I think that the election question will be along the following line: “Ask yourself if you are better off financially than you were four years ago?”

  2. Mike says:

    Funny Paul, how would that question work out for the federal Tories whom you support? You can’t have it both ways. Either they both get the blame for the economy, or neither does.
    Is Tim Hudak really going to say that Stephen Harper is a poor fiscal manager and unemployment rates are his fault? No? Well then he’s a hypocrite to say that of McGuinty.
    Same goes for the Liberals, you can’t criticize Harper for “his” deficit and then turn around say McGuinty gets off scot free.
    My view: If the US economy hadn’t tanked we’d barely have seen a recession at all, so neither governing party should really be blamed.
    I say hold them to account for their actual policies, not just what seems politically convenient to criticize them for.

    • Paul R Martin says:

      Hello Mike

      There is no rule that says that the provincial and federal wings of a party have to say the same thing. Just ask Danny Williams.

      I agree with you that if the US economy had not tanked we’d barely have seen a recession at all. However, the Ontario Liberals are vulnerable because their policies have led to higher energy costs, higher sales taxes, and the failed eco fees. The claim that they have lowered personal taxes will be a hard sell. In my opinion, Ontario has become an expensive place to live and to do business.

      I do think that the story line in the upcoming Ontario election will be very interesting. It will be a very hard fought event.

  3. Bill King says:

    Great post by Duncan, and great news for our province.

    Clearly Harper’s stimulus program really benefited Ontario!

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