11.05.2010 02:54 PM


I’m a judge for this thing tonight. I like the band names:

  • The Back Issues – Maclean’s
  • The Deadlines – Toronto Star
  • The Everywhere – CityTV
  • Mental Circuit – Reuters
  • The Snipes – The Globe & Mail
  • The Screaming Headlines – Toronto Sun
  • Stimulus Package – The Canadian Press & The Globe & Mail

Should be fun.  But they should have these guys playing:


  1. bigcitylib says:

    Actually, I was wondering about this: think you’ll ever anchor the Headlines there, if you’re still working for them same time next year?

  2. bigcitylib says:

    And does Wells come out and play some crap Jazz on an Oboe or some damn thing?

  3. Paul R Martin says:

    I was just reading that Tony Clement was also a fan of punk rock. Why don’t you invite him to one of your shows?

  4. CQ says:

    That list is more Canadian Music Content than I’ve seen or heard of all year. I’m surprised none of these media (newspaper divisions) band names aren’t called the John Teshes, Seacrests, or Times Review Inserts.

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