11.26.2010 09:36 AM

Shame on the Star

“I am writing in response to this article. While the Star acknowledged that Sarah did not consent in any way to the article, it is important to underscore the extent to which her wishes were disrespected. She and I recognize there is a curious public. We also trust that same public would agree that no young woman should be subject to the unfortunate tactics that were employed to breach her personal privacy.”

1 Comment

  1. JenS says:

    Gotta agree with the sentiment of the letter . . . I mean, what was the story here? That she exists? Uh, we know that. That she’s at university? We could have surmised that, and it’s frankly none of our business. Sounds to me as if they got a tip as to where she was and decided it was a story. It was a poor editorial choice, imo.

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