12.23.2010 12:07 AM

OK here I go again

You know what they’re doing, and you want to look away, but you can’t.

Consolation: there are 21 million others like you.


  1. ERNEST LUSTIG says:

    thatis awsome

  2. Mr. Chamberlain says:

    And that friends is how an idea evolves to law.

  3. Mohamed Bhamani says:

    These guys make great videos…check out this one… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHlJODYBLKs

  4. Michael Behiels says:


    How many takes were required?

    Simply brilliant!

    Thanks Warren.

    Merry Christmas and may the new year usher in a new era of progressive thinking and action!

  5. J. Coates says:

    Dang, that was cool!

  6. Jeff Paul says:

    I just played this at the office Christmas party. A really
    big hit in the 2-4 year old set 😉

  7. Hammer Dom says:

    You were supposed to be at this show with us!
    Merry Christmas Winkie,
    Dom and Stace

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