The flip flop poster is good, old fashioned politics.
Much like this was…
“I, Dalton McGuinty, leader of the Ontario Liberal Party, promise if my party is elected as the next government that I will:
– Not raise taxes or implement any new taxes without the explicit consent of Ontario voters;
– And not run deficits.
– I will abide by the Taxpayer Protection Act.”
[Signed, Dalton McGuinty – September 11, 2003]
If Tim has flip-flopped on the health surtax, it’s only because Dalton flipped-flopped to create one in the first place.
LAUGHS – I think so, too 🙂
I remember when flip-flops used to be called thongs; thongs used to be called wedgies.
and wedgies are now called “core Conservative principles.”
Nice one, Namesake.
Does this mean I can call Tim Hudak, “Thong” Hudak now? I kind of want to.
The flip flop poster is good, old fashioned politics.
Much like this was…
“I, Dalton McGuinty, leader of the Ontario Liberal Party, promise if my party is elected as the next government that I will:
– Not raise taxes or implement any new taxes without the explicit consent of Ontario voters;
– And not run deficits.
– I will abide by the Taxpayer Protection Act.”
[Signed, Dalton McGuinty – September 11, 2003]
If Tim has flip-flopped on the health surtax, it’s only because Dalton flipped-flopped to create one in the first place.