02.24.2011 06:47 PM

Rocco to the rescue!

Word is Timmy Hudak has lost yet another senior staffer – his Director of Communications!

But they’ve been doing such a great comms job, too!

Anyway, I think they should hire Rocco. He can do another “Bocce Balls” ad campaign for Timmy! Everyone loved that!


  1. bigcitylib says:

    Carrie Kormos?

    Principal Secretary in the Leader?s Office = will be responsible for strategic communications.

    …according to “the kid”:


  2. Namesake says:

    Here, I’ll even help out:

    here’s a culturally appropriate centrepiece for it:

    a “Young Man carrying sheep” Ornament

    (since Tim’s grandparents are from Slovakia

    and “Typical souvenirs from Slovakia are… above all products made from corn husks and wire, notably human figures.”

  3. v. malaise says:

    Aren’t Communication Directors as disposable as disposable razors? At least Bics last one day. 🙂

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