02.16.2011 07:41 AM

The Bovine Sex Club

WK and the Replacements’ Tommy Stinson – taking a break from selling SFH merch – at the Bovine last year.

Twenty years later – a fabulous oral history, with the infamous SFH/Replacements night recalled:

Cam Carpenter: Toronto would be a lot sadder without the Bovine. It would be like losing a clubhouse. You wouldn’t have the chance to look across the bar and go “Who is the dude with the blonde perm? Oh, he’s in Bon Jovi.” Or you’re there to see Shit from Hell and you look up and there’s Tommy Stinson from The Replacements. You just don’t get that very much. It’s also a really good place to find Ian Blurton if you ever need him for anything.


  1. Philip says:

    Truly amazing!! Well done sir! I have always loved the desperate, boozy, ongoing train wreck which is the Replacements.

  2. holymoly says:

    Islamic former guitarist now preaches against music

    Bilal Philps has degrees from the Islamic University of Medina and the University of Riyadh.

    Stewart Bell, National Post

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