03.25.2011 07:48 AM

Delacourt nails it




  1. Ted H. says:

    Well people much wiser than me have said that “campaigns matter” and “the ground game is important.” We will see.

  2. fritz says:

    Totally agree WK. Number 5 seems relevant to your previous post on the Ipsos Reid poll.

  3. JH says:

    I’d love to see the media assignments based on antipathy. In other words send a reporter on tour with the party he is known to dislike intensly. No fluff pieces then.

    • Bruce Wayne says:

      But then who would cover the NDP and Liberals?

      • JH says:

        Sun Media, National Post, WK (kidding). Actually I think Warren might be fairer than some of the so – called professionals out there. Gotcha Journalism is partly the reason for this election imhop.
        Speaking of which;
        Aanybody see that Roger Smith Blog thing that CTV has suddenly taken down?

  4. Big Old Goofy Man says:

    Did Don Burroughs approve Delacourt’s list?

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