03.01.2011 06:58 AM

In today’s Sun: No column!

Not sure what happened to it – I can’t find it online. For the two of you who actually read my stuff, I will endeavour to find it!

In the meantime, happy first day of March.


  1. Pete says:

    You mean to say they don’t deliver the actual paper to your door free of charge like they do to 1000’s of us unsuspecting people. I had one hell of a time getting it stopped because I travel quite often. They were not easily taking no for an answer.

  2. Cath says:

    It looks like there are no Mar. 1st columns on the website when I first checked about a half hour ago.

  3. I think tomorrow is the Christian Orthodox Groundhog Day. Perhaps your column will appear online if the groundhog sees its shadow.

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