03.10.2011 07:53 AM

The Hudak PCs: tough on crime. Except when it involves them.

Hudak PC candidates prepare for release of law and order platform.

“A former member of a Canadian Tamil organization described as ‘a peaceful separatist group’ by the Ontario Progressive Conservatives attended a weapons training session with the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka in 2003.

A photograph of the training session, used by U.S. authorities to convict a Toronto man who tried to buy arms for the Tigers in 2006, raises new questions about the National Council of Canadian Tamils (NCCT), a group linked to a Tory candidate from the Toronto area.”


  1. Marc L says:

    Isn’t this another case of the pot calling the kettle black given the federal Liberals`pandering to Tamil organisations under Paul Martin?

    • Warren says:

      Nice try. As you’ll recall, Marc, I pounded Martin for doing so.

      What’s your excuse, now?

      • Dave says:

        Universal Con Planbook:

        Step 1: Campaign on vague promises to clean up government/be more transparent/fiscally responsible

        Step 2: When caught doing the opposite of the above, yell as loud as you can: BUT THE LIBERALS DID IT TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

        Step 3: Slobber, rinse, repeat

      • Marc L says:

        A try…at what? Excuse….for what? No matter who is doing it, it’s wrong.
        I wasn’t aware that you had pounded Martin for that. My apologies for comparing you to a pot or a kettle. 🙂

  2. Mulletaur says:

    I guess it must be difficult for Hudak to find decent candidates.

  3. JStanton says:

    This may well be a “Tamil training session”… but it looks little different from a summer Saturday afternoon at any “rod and gun club” in Canada… except, of course, that here, there are fewer rednecks and the firearms are, um, less efficient.

  4. These are serious allegations.

    But it’s not just that the optics are bad all around for the PCs here. There’s doubt, in my mind anyway, that somebody is capable of running a campaign in PC party and I have to wonder if some core PCs are thinking the same.

    So far I can’t see any sign of an organization that can handle damage control or build a platform for that matter. It’s business as usual with sniping and criticizing from the sidelines, look no further than their response to the 407 announcement today.

    On Mar 7 Mr. Hudak is quoted in The Globe,

    ?I?m not going to comment on rumours and innuendo,? Mr. Hudak said. ?If there are some facts that are based in evidence or truth, please bring them forward; we want to make sure if there?s something we missed in the screening process, please bring them forward and we?ll address that.?

    On Mar 10 The Globe reported,

    “A photograph of the training session, used by U.S. authorities to convict a Toronto man who tried to buy arms for the Tigers in 2006, raises new questions about the National Council of Canadian Tamils (NCCT), a group linked to a Tory candidate from the Toronto area.”

    Well now what Mr. Hudak? Are you going to

    hope it goes away?

    But none of that can solve the problem if you’ve positioned yourself as a Family Values party. The PCs need to deal with this issue immediately and show both tact and decisiveness in their response.

    Amateur hour is over.

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