Musings —04.09.2011 06:02 PM
—KCCCC Day 15: The late on a sunny Saturday edition
- Okay, fine, guilty as charged! It was beautiful enough to take your breath away, today, and I had a boy with me who wanted to play hockey and basketball, so KCCCC got sidelined. It was hard to think about politics on a day like this. So, accordingly, this edition won’t be just late – it will be positive and upbeat! Uncharacteristically, I will be only say nice things!
- The NDP and the Tories have run great campaigns! So says Ipsos and Post Media! Well, I’ve been saying the Liberals have been running the best campaign, and others agree, so it would seem that everyone is running a great campaign! Way to go, political people! Wooot!
- Great hair, Lois! Reformatory MP has been rather critical of me in the past, but that’s okay! All is forgiven, Lois! And so what if you’ve spent a small fortune of taxpayer’s money to get your hair done, and that the results resemble the mane of Scar, from The Lion King? I’m sure that you consider it money well-spent, and that all of your constituents would eagerly contribute to other Lois-related causes, like therapy!
- Conrad says leave Bruce alone! And who are we to argue? They’re very much alike! I mean, both fellows are arch-conservatives, both like to play with other peoples’ money, and both have served time in the Long Bar Hotel! I think it’s nice that Conrad is nice to Bruce, don’t you? I mean, if convicted conservative criminals don’t stick together, who will? God bless them both!
- The National Post is kind of mean to Michael Ignatieff! I know that is, like, a totally huge surprise, but it’s okay! In 2000, when the aforementioned Conrad Black was super-mean to Jean Chretien (before Mr. Black became prisoner number 18330-424, that is), and used his newspaper chain to attack J.C. a lot, the Liberals ended up with more seats than they won in 1997! So go ahead and be mean, National Post! It makes you feel better, and us Liberals, too! Everyone wins!
- There is absolutely nothing negative about Max Bernier in the papers today! Isn’t that nice? Here’s the official portrait of Max we will always remember:
It boggles my mind that anyone could argue that the NDP has run a good campaign so far. Their numbers suck, and as far as I know, every poll out there so far reflects that. They’re tanking in Ontario. The NDP hasn’t made any big gaffes, but practically nobody in the MSM is talking about them. It’s all Iggy and Harper. At least if Jack made a gaffe he’d get some media attention. The LPC is killing them so far, and so far Jack is doing nothing about it.
Max was in that picture?
Yes, today I went gliding for the first time after a whole winter off. It was great weather. Lots of sun, just a little bit of a breeze and a whole lot of lift to keep me in the air for a long time.
It was only spoiled when someone brought up the election while I was sitting on the ground waiting for my turn to get into the airplane. I do not want to talk about politics while I am on an airfield. I only care about getting air under my butt at that time.
I am losing interest in this election very quickly. Something interesting better happen soon.
Even though politics is your life(and livelihood, at times) Im impressed you take time out to have some quality time with your son…..besides, all work and no play makes Warren a dull lad(never!)LOL
re: Lois…… looks more like a hair “don’t” to me…….
Well, at least you blurred the pic in the proper spot but do not worry sir, Max will be re-elected. If we are talking official portraits where is Little Pablo’s DUI pic?
St Rahim of Jaffer ready for his beatification, is he?…….
I’m not surprised Oopsos-Reid would run a poll claiming this.
“Oopsos-Reid” – well done!
agreed on all points! had a good chat today with a buddy of mine who works for a polling company…. tells me that the NDP collapse is bigger than everyone presumes…. talk around his office is “Liberal minority”… 50+ seats in play and moving etc… then again, he is the type who likes to exaggerate for the fun of it;)
Well then, he must be having a lot of fun.
First #GPC #elxn41 TV ads air Monday including a Call To Action for inclusion in the debates,
Lois looks like she’s been tasered by the mounties one-too-many-times.
what’s puzzling for me is if Ignatieff’s campaign is going so well, the majority of the the discussion here is about the other guys and not Ignatieff. Is that a quirk of all blogs? Just asking.
correction – “all blogs and a website” 🙂
Now now Mr. Angry
Cath didn’t mean anything by that
It may well be true that the Post attacking Chretien worked out well for him, but the same may not hold true for Iggy.
Back then there were still some people reading the Post.