06.09.2011 02:36 PM

Okay, this is totally weird



  1. bigcitylib says:

    Well, compilations of wiki material into books is not an uncommon phenomena. Dino-related stuff is one subject that springs to mind. Here’s a guy bitching about how some of the content he did for wiki appeared in this kind of instabook:


    Can’t see there being a book’s worth of material ABOUT you on wiki, though. And I don’t think you CONTRIBUTE material.

  2. bigcitylib says:

    Here, incidentally, is the wiki page on the publisher. They solicit free content from “non-notable” authors on whatever topic they’re covering. Bet you there’s a lawsuit or two sitting inside that book.


    • Warren says:

      They sound like dirtbags

      • Richard says:

        In their defence, they published my M.A. thesis into a book. They send out emails to probably every graduate student once the theses get deposited at Library & Archives Canada and their researchers come across them. They were very nice and easy to deal with. But I guess that’s coming from the perspective of an otherwise “non-notable” author. LOL

  3. ottawacon says:

    What the hell is that?!?

    also weird is the provincial NDP announcing a *weekly* price cap on gas.

  4. sj says:

    If nothing else they have stolen your biographical notes – without your permission. Sounds like a cease and desist letter might be in order. You must have a template for that.

  5. Baba says:

    What is especially odd, is that when the reader opens the book, the inside pages are simply a hackneyed summary of “Confessions of a Shopaholic”. I got totally ripped off! I hold you responsible, Warren.

  6. gretschfan says:

    I’ll wait for the movie.

  7. Lord Kitchener says:

    So did you buy one?

    • Warren says:

      Not a chance. The subject matter bores me.

      • michael hale says:

        You need one. It will be used for opposition research when you run, so you need to know what’s in it. Sorry, but you’re a (potential) candidate now. You can’t ignore the subject, even if it is boring…

  8. JenS says:

    Did you find that when checking out “A Visit From The Goon Squad”?:-)

    • Warren says:

      I did! I ordered it after you suggested it, and then I checked to see if they still were selling my books (they were). And then I saw they were selling a book about me.

      Wat to mess up my afternoon, Jen.

  9. Transplanted Doerite says:

    50 bucks!

    I wouldn’t pay a cent more than $29.99 to read your drivel.

  10. J.B. says:

    You either pissed someone off or it’s just great publicity, Warren.

  11. Lipman says:

    @Richard. VDM offered to publish my MA thesis too, and the seem to have resurfaced with a different name. I checked with a professor friend and he advised against for a number of reasons. But I know people who have used them and had an experience similar to you. For some, it a good way to get an ISBN number and see their hard work come to life.

    I still get emails from them to this day. I’m not sure how they make their money. They wouldn’t sell more than one or two copies of my work…

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