06.26.2011 07:45 AM

Paragraph left out of story

“In addition, the polling firm was the same outfit that proclaimed that Rocco ‘Benedict Baldy’ Rossi had rocketed to third place in Toronto’s mayoralty race. When, in fact, nothing of the sort had happened and Rossi finished dead last in a crowded field of candidates.”


  1. Jim Hayes says:

    All of us who treasure a society that cares for its most needy, which embraces immigration and understand the need for fair budgeting and honesty that goes with it have to get the message out. Hudak is a return to the darkness that once enveloped Ontario. If anything this poll for what its worth is like the canary in the coal mine. Warren you MUST get out there, HARD and so must we all.

  2. JStanton says:

    You are right gord, there IS ” a great desire for change in Ontario, Quebec, BC, and AB”. and, in fact the rest of Canada. With only 24% of the electorate voting for Mr. Harper’s party – and a substantial number of those being Liberals voting “strategically”, the vast majority of Canadians want nothing to do with Mr. Harper and his kind.


    • Jon Powers says:

      Really? You’re suggesting that a substantial number of Liberals voted for Harper? I love the 24% of the electorate statistic. So now we can count people who didn’t even vote as people who don’t support Harper. Hilarious. I wonder how Liberals will spin it when Hudak walks away with a clear majority in the fall.

      • Tiger says:

        It’s possible that Blue Liberals in Toronto put Harper over the top in the end — they might be ticket-splitters, wanting Harper in Ottawa and McGuinty at Queen’s Park.

        On the other hand, Hudak now seems to be polling near where Harper did in Ontario, and his platform seems to have borrowed much recent federal Tory populist/moderate positions.

        [Re “the vast majority of Canadians want nothing to do with Harper”, the poll last seen on the issue was the Abacus poll that asked whether people were satisfied with the Tories winning a majority — 46% satisfied, 41% unsatisfied.]

    • DB Smith says:


      Since 2000 the LPC has lost 2.8 million votes, 138 seats and their support has dropped from 40.85% to 18.9% and still there are those within the LPC that choose to disregard the “facts” and believe that the CPC is not real and that the CPC is looking at being the Government for the foreseeable future from 2015 on.

      If the the LPC wishes to see the light of day, I would suggest a dose of reality to their supporters.

  3. Jan says:

    That’s a relief, Warren – that welfare cuts and chain gangs was supposedly polling well in 2011 was too depressing to contemplate.

  4. Tiger says:

    Arguing the Toronto Star’s guy is biased in favour of the Tories?

    In the spectrum of pounding the law, pounding the facts, or pounding the table, this one’s at the table stage, I think.

    But you’ve got all summer. Plenty of time to win a campaign.

  5. Cath says:

    Notice what’s missing from Horwath’s platform WK? Education. Today’s LFP quotes the NDP leader as saying she’s holding a few things back. Let’s think about this for a moment.
    If you were going to drop the ONE SYSTEM bomb on Ontarians when would YOU do it? Mid-summer – when folks can talk about it on their vacations and there’s less of a chance for a counter offensive by those most effected.

    Maybe launch it at one of the educational AGMs held over the summer?

  6. DB Smith says:

    I quess we can all find a poll or polls that says what we want to say to support what we believe as the elections did turn out far different that projected.

    Last updated Tuesday, Sep. 07, 2010 10:48AM EDT – http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/toronto/outspoken-councillor-rob-ford-ahead-in-race-for-toronto-mayor-poll/article1602571/

    A new Globe and Mail/CTV/CP24/Nanos poll puts Mr. Ford in first place, edging out Mr. Smitherman, who left his provincial post as deputy premier and energy infrastructure minister to run. The lead, however, is quite slim – 17.8 per cent of the 1,000 Torontonians polled said they would vote for Mr. Ford if the election were held immediately, compared with 15.9 per cent for Mr. Smitherman – and well within the margin of error of 3.1 per cent, 19 times out of 20.

    Ekos [Ottawa – May 1, 2011] – In what has been the most exciting federal election in many years, Campaign 41 is drawing to an exciting and as yet unclear conclusion. The Conservatives are at 34.6 points, while the NDP is three points back at 31.4 and the Liberals at 20.4.


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